-5- Library

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Irina- My dear adorable poet~

An exhausted sigh leaves the nighthawk's mouth.

Leonard- Yes, how can I help Irina?

'He already looks 100% done with me. Sadly for him, I plan on spending the whole afternoon together!'

Irina- Prepare yourself. We're going on a date!

Leonard- What?!

-That morning-

Irina woke up not knowing the time since there wasn't a single clock in the whole apartment.

'After reporting to Dunn I should buy a clock on the way back. Now, according to Irina's memories, the biggest library should be that red building near the church in the center of the city. It's like an hour's walk away from here and twenty minutes by carriage.'

Irina started changing her clothes and preparing for the day ahead.

'Considering I'll have to eat my breakfast on the way, might as well walk and enjoy a bit of the view before moving to that all-smog-no-air city of Backlund.'

'Luckily, Irina slowly and repeatedly stole some money from the orphanage owner during her years there. This means I have quite a bit of savings as of now.'

-One hour later-

Irina, covered by an old tattered cloak, is now standing in front of the red building with the hood up. It wasn't raining but it wasn't sunny either, this made the wind quite chilly.

'I'm just cold. Why did I think wearing such light clothes would be a good idea? It's summer and I can't even feel it.'

Irina took the stairs two at a time in order to reach the entrance faster. After opening the big doors, Irina curiously checked the insides and, after a short while, she realized she had become a statue.

She meekly walked up to the receptionist whom she hoped hadn't noticed her earlier state.

Apparently, that wasn't what the receptionist was thinking about.

Irina- Hello, I would like to browse the library.

Placed on the table sat a wooden name tag with "Emy" written on it.

Emy- You?

After a short glance, the receptionist resumed her work.

Irina- Yes...?

'Did she notice me just standing there, a couple of seconds ago? I mean that was a bit embarrassing, but still.'

Emy- I'm afraid you got the wrong library, the free-entrance one is located in the suburbs, near the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery.


Irina- I'm sorry if I made you misunderstand me. I'm pretty sure I got the right one. This is the biggest one in Tingen, it contains at least double the number of books than the other one, right?

Emy- That is correct, but you'll have to pay either a daily ticket or a membership card.

Irina- That won't be a problem. How much is a daily ticket?

Emy- Oh... you can afford it?

For the first time, since Irina started talking with her, Emy raised her eyes from the paperwork she was handling and looked her in the eyes.

Alexandria's Keeper ~ Lord Of The Mysteries FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now