-14- Girl's Night

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It was a cold morning the day after her first solo mission. Irina had woken up at around 10, and the first thing she did was go back to sleep until 12.

Two weeks later Irina was leisurely chatting with Royale and Seeka in the lounge- I can't believe it took this long to organize a girl's night!

Seeka laughed at that and responded- You'd be surprised at how much work Madam Daly has. If it were among us normal workers, it would have taken a week, max.

Irina scoffed at that- I understand, but still! It's been almost a month since then!

Surprisingly, Royale had a remark- You've been working here for almost a month. You could take it as an anniversary of sorts.

Irina replied- Fair enough! At least it's tonight, I can't wait any longer. There are so many people I want to gossip over! I also want all of you to spill the tea!

Seeka asked very confused- "Spill the tea"?

Irina quickly explained herself- It means to reveal some interesting things, like some facts or gossip.

Seeka returned- If there's some tea that needs to be spilled, that's yours! How do you come up with all of those new words and phrases?

'21st Century Gen-Zers on social media. Is that a valid explanation?'

Irina laughed at that and replied- Reading! You'd be surprised at how many useless facts you learn while reading.

Royale noted- Your sequence is really interesting if you think about it. That's why you read so much, correct?'

Irina responded- Oh, don't get me started on that. What sequence is called history teacher?! Why does it sound so boring, and why are the skills so useless too? Also, I read because I simply enjoy doing so. I'm a fan of novels of any type, but when you have to ability to finish an entire book in just half an hour you kind of start expanding your horizons, you know?

Seeka commented- That makes a lot of sense if you see it from that perspective.

The door of the lounge opened, and in walked Mrs. Orianna. Irina brightened up at her appearance- Someone left her office~

Orianna smiles pleasantly- Rozanne and I will leave together shortly, is there something else you want to add to the list?

'I almost forgot about that! We planned to cook something easy together since we were going to be six people in one house and this era doesn't sell junk food. Unbelievable Roselle, 'He' created all that stuff but no chips and similar.'

After getting three negative responses Orianna said- In that case, we'll get going. See you later at Daly's house.

Seeka added- Let's hope we don't receive any new cases in the next few hours. If any is to come, it better fall on the night shift and not on ours.

Irina agreed- Brutal~ But you're right, Leonard and Kenley can handle whatever new case comes up.

Royale chimed in- We just got one two days ago, so the chances are low.

Orianna reassured the others- Royale is right, it should be pretty peaceful for the next few days.


Seeka seemed to ponder for a while- You're right, no way we'll get a new dangerous case this soon. Let's enjoy tonight. See you later Orianna!

'Why does it feel as if we just jinxed ourselves?'

A smiling Orianna waved at them before closing the door.

'Oh well. Let's do something actually meaningful now.'

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