-12- Accidents

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The officer, hearing the crashing, turned around to ask something yet the words stuck in his throat. Right before his eyes, the once-closed window was now fully open and Irina was far past its threshold. It all happened in a matter of seconds, yet, by the time he had sprung into action Irina was already nowhere to be seen.

When he ultimately reached the window, he looked down only to find Irina embracing a thick branch just one floor below. The officer tried to call for her yet the deafening wind made sure nothing reached her ears.

'Third floor. I can survive a fall from the third floor. Maybe.'

The sound of snapping was close enough to be heard. Her already tilted view started to shift once more.


A snapping noise reached her ears and she began to fall once again.

She tried to hold onto every single branch she could and, the moment she actually reached the ground, her impact was much softer than expected; as much as a fully scratched, torn, and drenched person could be.

She lay there for an unidentified amount of time, with her eyes closed, letting herself be hit by cold water droplets and falling leaves. Effectively catching a cold, in the middle of summer.

'I'm alive I guess.'

Irina stayed there long enough for the officer to run down the stairs and reach her- Lady Irina can you hear me? O my Goddess, I can't believe I let a new member of the nighthawks die on my watch.

Irina finally opened her eyes and looked at him- I'm not dead, not yet at least. I'm cold though, will you be kind enough to give me a hand? Or an arm? I'm quite pissed as of right now.

'That bastard. Whoever or whatever caused me to fall will be thrown behind Chanis Gate as soon as I lay my hands on them. I can't believe this is already the second time a fall down such height.'

The officer immediately lowered himself and helped her gradually stand up- There's an infirmary on the first block. Let's go there, I don't see any big injuries but we can't be sure, you're covered in mud after all.

Irina reached the infirmary without falling down a single time thanks to the help of the officer.

The nurse there checked her but wasn't able to find any major injuries; sure, she was covered from head to toe in blood, but it was all from scratches. Be it major or minor, it wasn't anything life-threatening.

All of her wounds were bandaged successfully; the nurse even gave her a change of clothes as her old ones were torn and dirty.

The officer looked at her with a worried expression- Are you sure you want to go back? It's dangerou-

Irina hastily interrupted him- And that's exactly why we're going. Ouch- whatever is causing those anomalies cannot remain there. It's clearly- ouch- getting stronger day by day. Ouch- of fuck it! When is the pain reliever going to take action, I can't work in those conditions. Now let's go, the earlier we're done, the earlier I can take a nice warm bath at home. OUCH-

Irina, now dressed as a scholar in a nice white shirt and black pants, once again entered the "cursed" office.

A cold breeze hit her face first once she stepped through the threshold. The lamp was still broken and the ground was wet from the rain. A banging rhythmic sound repeated itself as the open windows kept on hitting the wall. Old, tattered curtains blowing in the middle of the room, almost fully covering the main desk. Creaks came from the bookshelves just as some papers abandoned their original place to start flying around.

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