-3- The Library of Alexandria

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Irina- Basically, Madam Daly is a true spirit medium and can help me find out what happened?

'That might be dangerous, I don't have the Goddess watching over me to protect Daly from all the information I have about this world, I would very much hate it if she were to lose control because of me. I would also like to keep the knowledge I have for myself and not have to share my real identity, be it with Madam Daly or the Goddess herself.'

Dunn- At the beginning, we thought you were a beyonder losing control. Though that idea is still not completely crossed out, it's also quite unlikely. If that were the case, then it would have been obvious to us. We believe something else happened. Considering you're already here and Madam Daly happened to visit us, it would be a shame to give up on the opportunity. We are just asking for cooperation on your side to help us aid you in finding the source of the problem.

Irina- Sure! I'm also curious. I don't really know what happened, and I would very much appreciate an explanation.

'Let's hope it will be easy. Perhaps I also have some mysterious deity backing me, no way that actually happens but one can hope right?'

Daly- In that case, let's begin.

Irina closed her eyes the moment Daly began to light some candles. The incense in the room slowly made the young girl drowsy and confused, she felt as if Daly's voice was coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.'

-At the same time, somewhere else-

It was but absolute darkness that surrounded Irina, chilling air blanketing everything. Normal thoughts were echoing and scattering themselves in her head, accompanied only by some sinister cacophonys.

'Warden... Fate... Fallen... Warden... Fate... Fallen...'

'It just keeps bombarding my head!'

It felt as if someone else was in her head, constantly whispering and screaming at the same time.

'Should I just ignore it? It's not like I understand its meaning in the first place.'

The girl slowly started emptying her mind. Removing everything left in her head, leaving her brain fending for itself.

'Having my head devout of thoughts was something I learned to do a while ago, it has come in handy in many situations. Mostly bad situations that I would rather not live through or make into unwelcome memories.'

She was not sure for how long she was like that, but the next thing she remembered was having her consciousness slowly slip from her body. It felt as if something important was leaving and her identity was part of it. She was slowly becoming numb to her body, as if fully detaching yet she was still capable of moving around.

She mindlessly tried looking around for something, anything but it was still that deep and uncomfortable void that surrounded her.

The moment Irina turned around before her very eyes was a girl, floating in that dark mass, she had long dark hair framing her entire body, almost fully engulfing her. She was wearing some sort of old, dirty, beige nightgown, and in her hand was a beautifully decorated gold pocket mirror.

'... Is that...'

It didn't take her long to realize that that girl was herself and she was somehow watching her body from a third-person perspective. As if she was some sort of ghost.

Shortly after that, her eyes opened as if they had been closed the entire time.

What surrounded Irina were rows and rows of bookshelves filled to the brim with what looked like to be ancient tomes, novels, binders, volumes, and every single possible variation of such.
They stretched to the sky and above, yet some sort of darkness was obscuring the view and past a couple of meters nothing could be discerned.

Alexandria's Keeper ~ Lord Of The Mysteries FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now