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JJ, John B and I sat inside of the kitchen, just as Pope walked in.

"What she'd say?" John B asked, tossing Pope a water. "That you're an idiot."

I sat on top of the fridge, like a little girl. JJ stood in between my legs, holding them securely. "It's a no-brainer. You're picking Kie," JJ said, as John B drank his beer.

"Look, I can't make a decision," John B explained.

"So what? We're just dead in the water because you're pussy-whipped?" JJ explained, as I stole his beer for a quick second, taking a sip.

"Says the one sleeping with my sister," John B muttered, as if he had a grudge against it.

"JB, we can't do this without Kie, and you know it," I explained to him.

"And I can't do it without Sarah, Dylan," he said, facing me. "Okay? They both have to be in on it."

I sighed. "Good luck with that. Kie's mad at Sarah and me, Sarah's mad at her... it's just gonna be one fun girl's trip," I scoffed, shrugging my shoulders.

"I know this was my fault, all right?" He said, beginning to walk out of the kitchen. "But it's our problem. I've got a plan. And you three shitheads are gonna help me out." He pointed at me, and I took a deep breath, annoyed.

"Here we go," I chanted, jumping down from off the fridge.


We were placed in the middle of the bank, surrounded by water weeds and fish. Once our plan was set into motion, JJ, John B and I (and Sarah, whom was stuck below deck) were on a boat, pretending that it was 'under the weather'. I was sitting on top of the grate which would allow Sarah to leave her place.

I saw Kie and Pope near us. Once she got there, I tried my best to cover up Sarah's screams, which were mostly blocked by the wooden deck. I whistled my own tune, criss-crossed on top of the gate.

Kie got on deck, waving at me politely. "You," I answered, as she walked towards the alternator (which we claimed stopped).

I could hear them explain what was wrong, but I didn't listen that much. I was only concentrating on covering up Sarah's screams. "La-la-la-LAAAAAA!"

JJ and John B speed-walked towards the front of the boat, then JJ stopped and crouched down to my height. He looked at me for one second and sighed. "See you later, baby," he muttered. "I hope you survive girls night."

I laughed. "See you too, babe," I said, kissing him softly. He backed away, at Kie's remarks. "Is this a joke?" She chuckled nervously.

"My time to go," JJ muttered, kissing me on the cheek before taking off and diving into the water. "Sayonara!" He shouted as he dived. I laughed, obviously at him and his dramatic exit.

Kie looked out, realizing what they did. "Shit!" She stood up and began walking towards the front.

I forgot that I was supposed to cover up Sarah's screams. "John B! Dylan! Let me out!" She screamed, pounding against the gate.

Kie looked at me, then the grate. I laughed, knowing she was pissed. And jumped off, and climbed to the tippy top of the boat, where Kie couldn't get me.

She looked up at me, then opened the grate. Sarah looked up, pissed as ever at me, then she turned around at the boy's on the Pogue.

"What the hell?!" Sarah shouted, running towards the front. The boy's had just made it to the boat, and I put my hands on my waist.

"Guys! Are you joking?" Sarah yelled.

"Get your asses back here!" Kie demanded.

"They can't," I added, with a slight hint of hubris in my voice.

P4L, carpe diem (JJ Maybank)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara