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When it got dark, we drove to the Police Station. I sat in the trunk and were watching as we pulled up. JJ was beside me, gripping my hand.

I was still in disbelief that Sheriff Peterkin was dead, and was shot by Rafe.

"John B," he began, "what're we doing at the police station?"

"Somebody's gotta tell them what happened," he explained, his voice quiet. Kie stopped the car, looking back at everyone.

Pope, who was now smoking a joint, began coughing up a storm, taking too much weed in. "Ooh," JJ muttered. "Easy there, chief. Damn."

JJ leaned against the back of the seat, putting his hand on my brother's shoulder. "Alright. I'm just gonna be real with you right now. You might end up in the lion's den but you don't go there on purpose. It's fundamental. Just like my old man always told me, you should never trust the cops. No matter what the circumstance is."

"Your old man's an abusive liar," Kie added, looking out the window. I kicked her, mouthing, "sore subject."

Pope stopped coughing, finally. "I agree with JJ. Fuck the police."

"You goin' to the dark side now?" Kie scoffed.

"When's the last time the police helped us?"

"Peter min looked out for me— for US," John B said, meaning me and him. "Tried to, at least. They need to know."

He began getting out of the car. He opened the door and began walking into the station.

"I got a bad feeling about this," I muttered.


Almost 1 minute later, my brother began running out of the station, yelling at Kie to turn the car on.

"Kie, start the car! Start the car, Kie!!" He ran to the car, getting inside.

"John Booker!" I yelled, frantically. "What did you do?"

"The cops!" He shouted.

"Shit!" Kie shouted, turning on her car.

The cops were running to the car. They began banging on the windows, shouting to stop the car as we began driving.

They chased us and wouldn't stop. "They don't eat donuts all day, that's for sure!" I shouted.

"Dylan, as much as I love your comedic relief, not helping!" Kie shouted.

"My bad!" I answered.

"Open the door!" Pope shouted at my brother. John B opened the door, slamming it on Officer Plumb's face. She fell to the ground.

As we drove away, out of breath, my brother had a realization.

He was wanted for murder.


We slept in Kie's car for the night. We drove to the garage, which seemed dumb but seemed smart because it was so remote. Since no one's there, no one would realize my brother was in the car.

But also, if it was too remote, someone would realize someone— or my brother— was in the car. Cop sirens rang all morning and we pieced together why really easily.

We listened to a broadcaster, as I laid on JJ's arm. My finger was rubbing his leftover bruises. Kie had given me one of her blankets from the backseat to use so I covered my legs. His hand was comfortably placed on my waist as he fiddled with his lighter in the other. He made sure not to move much to keep me comfortable, which I thought was really sweet.

"Good news for the residents of the Outer Banks, Dominion Power says their underwater transmission line, which will restore power to 90% of the area should be functional within 24 hours."

Cops passed us, and we all shrunk down a bit to hide ourselves in the car though it was unneeded because we were lying down. "And sill, no arrest in the shooting death of Sheriff Susan Peterkin. The state police have issued a statement regarding a local person of interest, a juvenile—

Kie turned it off, leaving us in silence. "Maybe you guys can help, being the smart ones and all, but..." JJ let out a sigh, "who are the cops going to believe? Ward Cameron or us? So the accuser is a big shot devoloper, kind of lord of the island, got the governor on speed dial sort of person, and the accused...is John B who is... pretty much a homeless 16-year old twin boy at the moment."

"Thanks," my brother murmured.

"Not to make matters worse, but they're probably trying to find Dylan too. Because one, her guardian is the accuser and she hasn't been at his house for a few days and two, twin sister to the accused."

I put a thumbs up, with my eyes still shut from sleeping. "Yep."

"Shit," Pope muttered.

"Yucatán, alright? I'm saying that's the only option. What other option do you have?" JJ added. "Enough with the Mexico bullshit," my brother said.

"Boys, boys... you're both pretty," I said, before they could fight.

"Sarah will bail me out."

"She did witness the whole thing," Kie admitted. "And she's gonna snitch on her brother?"

JJ sat up carefully, trying not to disturb my body, but did a bit. "We've gotta get you off the island," he told John.

"The ferry. It's the only way."

"Exit stage left while you still can. Before the entire island is on lockdown."

More cops, so we ducked.

"Sarah's not a Pogue, John B," Pope added. "Yeah. You can't stay here, man," JJ said, lying back down and holding me in his arms.

P4L, carpe diem (JJ Maybank)Where stories live. Discover now