041.999999 (Prologue)

562 6 0

(season two)

Welcome to Hell.

Yep, that was, in fact, my tagline for the next week or two after the Phantom getting lost at sea. I'm not saying I made it to heaven just yet, but beggars can't be choosers.

Very fortunately, DCS never came back. Ever. They did send me a letter though. Practically saying they were done with my bullshit and that I am mourning my brother's death, so they decided to keep me in OBX where my friends are.

I did have to follow a rule, though. Every two to three days, I had to check in with an adult of my choice in order to stay in the OBX.

When I finished that goddamn letter, I smiled.

No more running from the DCS, like... ever.


I went to the Wreck to talk to Kie, who was working, and explained everything. She was inside the island table, cooking a soup. I tried not to seem too happy about the DCS thing, because again, my brother had just died.

"So, the DCS are just giving up on you," she snapped in my face, "like that?"

I shrugged. "Basically, I guess. But, I'll take what I can get. I just need an adult or adultS that could quote unquote "sponsor me." But now that almost every adult on this freaking island think I'm a murderer's twin sister and that it's genetic or some shit like that... gosh. I'm stressing, Kie."

Kie turned around, wiping her hands on her apron. "Don't stress, Dyl. You'll figure it out. If fact," she looked mischievously as her parents. Two adults.

I held my hand out, grabbing her apron before she'd walk away. "No. Kie, I can't allow you to do that."

"Nope. You're staying in the OBX, no matter what." She grabbed her apron from me, walking to her parents.

"Kiara!—Kie, god," I swore, turning my head away, embarrassed as she walked over to her parents.

Quickly after, I turned my head, worried and anxious.

Anna looked over at me, and I waved, taking a sip of my water. Mike was right beside her, his hands on his hips.

Kie used her hands a lot when she talked, especially when she is nervous. Mike looked at Anna, as she continued to look at me, nervously. I bounced my leg up and down, constantly itching my nose in discomfort, though it was more nervousness.

I wrote down notes in my journal, as Kie walked over with her parents. I sat up a bit straighter, forcing a smile.

Miss. Anna fiddled with her hands, putting them on the table. I tried my best to look up at them, as Anna took mine in her hands.

Though she'd always disliked the boys, she always treated me as family. Maybe it was because I had a sense of decency or I had always been there for Kie, or maybe I gave off a Kook vibe (I disagreed and hoped that wasn't the one.)

"Dylan," she began, "I understand what you're going through is very tough right now. I couldn't imagine the pain you're going through. An orphan, with no family. But I can't promise that we can fill in that void, sweetie. Me and Mike decided that we will "sponsor" you, just until things can start going good."

I smiled. "Mrs. Carrera, oh my God! Thank you so much! You too, Mr. Carrera!"

Kie smiled at me.

"But you have somewhere to stay, right? Running water, electricity? If you need to stay at our house—" Anna asked.

I shrugged my arms. "I'm good at my house. I'm paying the bills. Working some shifts at the stables." I paused. "Speaking of, I know this is a lot to ask, but can I get a job here, for chance? I just really need some extra money right now. But I don't have many... free time, but when I do— I can help out here—"

Mike nodded at me. "It's okay, Dylan. That's great. We could use more worker's too. We can do an interview whenever I get the chance."

I stood up, running around the island table and hugging the two parents.

"Thank you so much!"

Kie crossed her arms with a smirk on her face.

I hugged her, and we both laughed. It was a first real laugh in a while.

I looked at Mike and Anna, who both looked at Kie with a smile on their faces, but there was something about it. They didn't seem worried, or anxious, or it wasn't happy or sad or mad. I couldn't tell what it was. So I kept it all to myself. It confused me. It looked like they were thinking about something. It was like a look on your face when deciding to stay at home or actually go to school.


With school coming up in a few days after that, I spent my time working. Staying busy was a good way not to think about my brother.

P4L, carpe diem (JJ Maybank)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें