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The next day, we ended up going to the nursing home for Pope's great-grandmother. We took Heyward's advice and agreed that would be the best idea.

I drove the Twinkie, for the first time in forever while my brother sat in the backseat, since J called shotgun and JB, surprisingly, allowed it.

Pope explained as I continued to drive. "Guys, the thing that Limbrey said, I don't think she meant to let it slip," he explained.

"What did she slip?" I questioned, looking at Pope in the mirror.

"I assumes Pope is about to tell us," John B said, nudging me. I rolled my eyes.

"She said the key leads to the Cross of Santo Domingo," he added.

"Wait, can I see that?" JJ asks, reaching out for the key. Pope gave it to him, and turned back around.

"Are we supposed to know what that is?" Sarah asked with a shrug.

"I guessing it's some sort of historical artifact of great importance," Pop explained and I scoffed.

"No shit, Mama Pope. It's a CROSS. Yknow, Jesus Christ, Resurrection in 3 days, 3 days in hell?" I answered.

"Thanks for the info, wise-ass," Pope answered back at me and I nodded. "You're welcome."

I looked at JJ, who examined the key, holding it up in his hands. He saw me looking and held it up so we both could see it more clearly.

"Well, according to the interwebs, it was a gift from New Spain to the Spanish King," Kie explained, who had searched it up on her phone.

"New Spain?" JJ questioned, confused. "Is there an Old Spain?" I rolled my eyes with a playful scoff as JJ held the key to Pope, for him to take.

"Shit, talk about over-gifting look at that thing," Kiara scoffed, showing us the photo of the cross. "Looks like a person standing next to it."

"So it's a giant-ass cross," JJ added.

"It was widely considered at the time to be the most extravagant tribute ever from the provinces. It was lost off the coast of Bermuda in 1829," Kie squinted at her phone, who handed it to Sarah.

"Did you just say Bermuda?" JJ questioned, flabbergasted.

"Not the triangle, babe," I answered, looking away from the road and at him.

"It always leads back to the triangle, Princess!" He answered, playfully tapping my shoulder. "Like every time something's weird, it's Bermuda."

I rolled my eyes and rubbed my temple. "Well, I got a question," I added. "What the hell does a key found above your mee-maw's pharmacy have to do with any of this? Where do we come in? Even if we do come in at all?" I asked, tilting my head a bit so I could see Pope in my perpetual vision.

"I don't know, Dyls. That's a good question."

"I know. I'm really good at making them," I said, pettily with a shrug.

I pulled up to the nursing home, pulling alongside the road. I began to get out of the Twinkie, as Pope got out of the backseat.

Kie began getting out of the back and I almost stepped out of the Twinkie, but Pope stopped us all. "Hey, actually, I think I'm gonna do this one by myself."

I looked back at him, squinting my eyebrows.

"Are you sure?" Kie asked.

Pope shrugged. "Yeah. I can handle it. I don't really need you, so..." Pope said in a widely directed tone at Kie.

Kie blinked repeatedly, pissed and hurt at the same time. "Oh, we're just all one big happy family today, aren't we?" JJ scoffed.

I turned the Twinkie back on as Pope walked away. "Hey, Pope-Dope, pick you up in a bit!" I shouted at him as he walked inside of the home. I drove away.


We decided to stop at the market, as Sarah and Kie went to get me a Hot Chocolate shake.

I was laying in the side seat, my feet propped up against the backseat. I listened to my brother and JJ talk about separate subjects.

JJ rubbed his thumb against my forehead. "Remember when life was simple?"

"Yeah, like seven days ago," John B agreed, his body flailed in the driver's seat. "I mean, dude, think about it, Ward's still out there and he's still got the gold!"

JJ laid his head back, sighing. "I know. I know."

"He also killed our dad," I added, pointing to JB, and clicking my tongue.

"Exactly!" John B said frantically, agreeing.

"Dylan, Princess, I know, and we won't let that go. But I'm worried about you, man. It feels like it's rather you and Dylan or him," JJ explained. "And you know who else I'm worried about? Sarah."

I nodded, agreeing. This must've been really hard for her, cause JJ was right. Ward was her father. Is.

"I mean, bro, like, it's her dad. You see what I'm saying?"

John B continued in a light glare and facing Sarah, rather thinking about Ward or Sarah, who was standing outside of the general store, drinking her shake. "She knows what he did."

I sighed, pulling out my hand and counting the points. "But, it was also the man that raised her, fed her, took care of her when her mom dipped, loved her, and gave her everything he could," I explained, then held up her hand. "I mean... Bird-Shit... I hate him as much as you do. But I don't hate Sarah."

JB sighed and tilted his head. "So, what's the sea with this Limbrey chick? Pope said she has evidence on tape that could put Ward away, right?"

"Mhm. On the other hand, though, she did just try to kidnap Pope, and—" JJ began.

"But think about it, alright? If we can get that evidence, it's done. We could put Ward away for good and finally get justice for my dad. This can all be over in one shot, J," my brother persuaded him.

"I get it," I exclaimed with a light scoff and sitting up. I placed my head on the back of JJ's chair. "It's dangerous..."

"Good thing your boyfriend's JJ Maybank."

Oh, joy.

Love you, J. Honestly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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