Chapter Six

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James looked out the window of his bedroom when he heard the rocks hit the window. Peering outside he saw Bryce staring back at him. He opened the windows of his room and let the wind inside. Bryce just looked at James defeated. This could only mean one thing to James... Bryce finally figured out who he loved.

"James... I know now... For sure." Bryce chuckled. "You were right before. I made a huge mistake with leaving Lucas behind. A terribly huge mistake and I want to take all the dumb shit that I had done!"

"Get your ass up here." James shouted as Bryce climbed up the two story house.

James sat on his chair with his arms crossed. Bryce looked nervous and worried.

"While you were galavanting in Europe Lucas stayed here probably heartbroken. Whose to say he didn't move on and find someone else? But now I wonder... Why'd you do it? Why didn't you tell him?"

"I needed to get away from Holly..." Lucas buried his face in the pillow. "She came back for me. She wanted me and then Lucas came along and became what I wanted. In the end, Holly... She's gone and that's all that matters."

"It doesn't matter if she's gone." James said. "Lucas probably won't care about something like that. You're making it seem like the only reason you're back is because Holly left you."

Bryce shook his head.

"I realized I loved him too late." Bryce said looking at the ceiling. "You did that, too."

"I knew what I wanted."

"Was it worth losing Danny?"

"Yeah... It actually was."

Tears started to fall down James's face.

"Maybe this is what Kat was talking about." James said to himself. "Now I know I'm over him. I've actually moved on."

"I don't think so." Bryce looked at James. "It seems to me you're nowhere near over him."

"But it was worth it." James said. "We're doing exactly what we wanted to do in life. I'm a published young author and Danny's out in his dream college studying exactly what he wanted to study and doing exactly what he wanted to do. He's moved on and met an amazing guy and Kyle is beyond perfect for staying with me."

"I guess you're denying the truth." Bryce got up and went to the window. "Sometimes you gotta look at the facts James and not hear the opinions because they skew the facts."

Bryce got out of James's room leaving him a alone to think about the truth.


Kyle looked at himself in the mirror and breathed in and out trying to calm himself down. Danny Knowles seemed like this amazing nice and downright perfect guy. Why would he think he could replace him? After everything he heard Kyle just kept thinking that it was all in the past and that he had nothing to worry about. It's probably true. Kyle could trust James.

He remembered the first time they met. It was at a bar and James was surrounded by all these military guys. Kyle was surrounded by his friends. That's when one of his friends called the military group's attention. Kyle was still staring at the guy with the buzz cut and beautiful eyes. The guy kept smiling at him and Kyle somehow got the guy alone and separated from the rest of the group.

There they were. All alone together.

"What's your name?" Kyle asked the guy.

"My name is James and yours." James looked at Kyle with hopeful eyes.

Kyle kissed him and felt a rush of adrenaline hit him. He couldn't believe he was making out with such a handsome guy. James put his hand on Kyle's face and looked him right in the eyes after the kiss.

"What's your name?" James smiled and made Kyle's heart melt.

"Name's Kyle, love." Kyle kissed him again.

Even though they were alone in an alleyway right next to the bar it felt like a honeymoon. It felt genuinely amazing to be there. At that moment, Kyle knew he really liked this guy. Rod came into the room.

"Are you okay?" Rod asked.

Kyle wasn't aware of the sad expression that he had.

"Yeah, it's just the whole Danny business." Kyle said.

"You guys have been together for a whole year." Rod said smiling and parting Kyle on the back. "You'll make it."

"I certainly hope so." Kyle said feeling a little bit more secure about their relationship. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure."

"What was he like? I mean all I hear about Danny is how he looked like a model and how he was smart. I feel like shit compared to him."

"He was shy and just the opposite of James really. It's so odd they ended up together. James a bit more like Danny now to be honest."

"What do you mean?"

"In high school, James was a social butterfly but he's more of a recluse now. I swear that at this moment he would be off somewhere with his friends. He was usually never home."

"So Danny made him like that?"

"Yeah, if I was being honest, I really think Danny changed him to the James we know now."

"Is that a good thing?"

"That's the James you fell for isn't it? Danny's new and improved James. Which means you should thank Danny."

"Maybe I should."

Kyle smiled and Rod nodded as he left the room. Maybe he should thank Danny now. Without Danny he wouldn't have met the love of his life. Dating him for a year was amazing and filled with a euphoria that Kyle had never experienced with any other guy. James listened and was kind. James was silent yet sociable. James was James and that's who Kyle fell for, post-Danny James.

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