The Final Chapter

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James looked up at the clock. The time was ticking and he was done. Each tick seemed like a hit from life. Most of his life revolved around Danny. It was time to finally be told the truth. It hurt to be kept in the dark. James grabbed his jacket and headed out.


"It's time to talk to him." Danny said. "You know what's odd?"

"What?" Lucas asked.

"In the end maybe we weren't meant to be together but I'm glad cause James was a step in the right direction." Danny smiled as tears started to fall into his coffee. "I hate tears. I feel like a fucking drama queen."

Lucas got up and hugged Danny.

"You're saying goodbye to the past. It's sad to let it go but you'll never forget it and at the end that's all you can do."

"Time to go." Danny smiled as he hugged Lucas back.

They said their goodbyes and Danny walked into the street. Snow started to fall. The whole town would soon be painted in white. Danny's phone vibrated and as he picked it up he knew it was going to be James. Time to meet up at the place where it all began.


Sainted had been shut down for about six months. It was empty and it has been filled with nothing but the emptiness of solitude. The gay club had been host to so many fights that it turned into a dive bar but it eventually got closed due to the eventful fight between a cop and a drunken bar manager. Danny had walked into Sainted not recognizing the place at all. There was nobody and the whole entire place became a space filled with nostalgia as Danny placed everything from his memories into the each empty spot. He still couldn't believe it was a dive bar when Harrison was there.

"Hello..." James said as he walked inside.

Danny couldn't help but run up to him and hug him.

"I'm so glad you're back." Tears started to fall from his face. "Fuck it. I can't believe I'm crying again. Don't want any pity."

"You've changed, huh?" James asked.

"Yeah, a lot." Danny said. "More emotional but I guess you could say my shyness has gone away."

"I could tell when you kissed me." James chuckled.

"Sorry about that." Danny but his arms behind his head and blushed.

James smiled thinking about the shy guy he met at this very place. Holy crap he couldn't believe Danny was right here and they were back to where they started.

"It's okay..." James said. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Danny said. "But you have to know that I love Harrison and I can't just leave him. I want you to move on. It's odd to love two people at the same time and it sucks. I know you can move on James."

"What if I don't want to?" James said.

"I don't care if you want to. If you're not going to do it for you're sake then do it for mine because it starting to hurt me. I can't stand the thought of you being alone for me. I want you to find someone who deserves you and loves you more than me. I know it's possible because I found that in Harrison. If you love me then you'll do this one last thing for me."

"Move on..." James said with a sadness in his voice. "It feels like everyone's against me. Why do all of you think you know what's good for me? I hate this complicated shit storm. I wish I had proposed to you. I wish I had held on to you!"

"Stop!" Danny shouted. "I wish those things had happened too but... They didn't and we have to deal with the paths we took. I've had enough of the moping and reminiscing. James you're a famous author and you've achieved you're goal. Things are so amazing for both of us right now. It's just stupid to think you should be stuck thinking about me. This isn't a romance novel. Harrison won't die in the end and then you'll sweep me off my feet. I choose Harrison and I'm here to tell you there is no chance of this. Everything that's happened has happened and there's no way to change the past. All we can do is think about the "what ifs" but at the end of the day that does nothing. I'm done with this drama."

"You make it seem like it's easy to move on." James said with irritation in his voice.

"I never said it was going to be easy because I do love you." Danny looked away. "I knew someone was going to be hurt in this decision and I decided. You can take it and I know you'll find someone. It'll take time or maybe you'll meet that person after this. Who knows? All I'm doing is setting you free by giving you an answer. It's dangerous to stay hoping when in the end there is no hope for the two of us."

"There's nothing between the two of us?" James asked still searching for hope.

"There is no future between the two of us." Danny said. "There is love there but it either has to disappear through distance and time or it has to change into a different kind of love. I'm sorry."

James hugged Danny. He was taken back by the hug but then accepted James's affection.

"Don't be..." James said. "I finally got an answer."

There was silence for a moment as they held each other.

"Thank you for being my first true love." Danny closed his eyes as tears fell.

"Thank you for being mine." James closed his eyes as tears fell as well.

They stood in the abandoned bar of Sainted holding each other. It was the end of a time they both longed for. It was time to bury it and do the only sensible thing and remember it for what it was. To Danny the future was a life with Harrison and James's was a future filled with unknowns and adventure. For some reason they'll never truly get over the love they feel for each other but they'll attempt their hardest to change it.

"Whatever happens between the two of us, I hope you never leave my life for good." Danny said.

"I promise I never will." James said.

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