Chapter Nine

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Danny went up to his room ignoring the countless texts he got from Lucas. He didn't want to even look at anything right now. Burying his head in the pillow was all he wanted to do. Never look at the outside world ever.

Danny was so ashamed about what he had done. Everything he did was wrong. Maybe if he never saw James again this could all fix itself. He didn't want to be a homewrecker. He could just imagine that Brandon guy telling the whole school about Danny being a gay slut and it hurt. It hurt so much because he didn't want to be known. He didn't want some glorious infamy follow him to college. All he wanted was simplicity but instead he got this!

But before he could even feel sad for himself Janice came bursting into his room.

"I'M HOME LITTLE BROTHER!" She shouted as Mell came pouring into his room.

"What the hell?" Danny said as his face was still buried in his pillow.

Janice wasn't really related to Danny but she had lived her senior year inside this house. That one year made Janice family and Danny did feel like she deserved the right to call him little brother. She deserved it after all that she had been through.

Mell jumped on him along with Janice.

"Why are sulking?!" Janice asked.

"Is it boys?" Mell asked.

"Is that James guy we met as Sainted?" Janice asked.

"How did you know?" Danny wondered if it was that obvious that they had liked each other.

"When we saw you two dancing I made sure we let you guys have a little private time." Mell said chuckling.

"What?!" Danny was upset by this. "Why would you do that if you knew he had a girlfriend?!"

"Because you two were made for each other." Janice smiled as her dark red hair touched his part of her face. "The way you danced and looked at each other is exactly what happened when I first met Kat. I knew then and there you two were just made for each other."

"Made for each other..." Danny said feeling like those words were a fleeting fantasy.

"Yep, made for each other." Janice said as she got off. "So stop feeling gloomy because tomorrow you'll know."

"Know what?"

"If he really really likes you." Mell answered.

Danny went back to burying himself in the pillow so Janice grabbed him and picked him up. Sometimes Danny really hated being short.

"Come on!" Janice exclaimed. "Lets get your mood up!"

"And how will you attempt to do that?" Danny said with a sigh.

"Let's go on a Netflix binge!" Janice said. "We can finally finish the job watching Supernatural together."

"No I'd rather stay in my room." Danny looked away from Janice's manipulative hazel eyes.

"Come on, please!" Janice kept staring at him with puppy eyes until Danny turned to look at them and he finally agreed falling into Janice's beautiful gaze.

"Okay then!" Mell is exclaimed. "Let us go forth and commence the bingewatching!"

This preoccupied Danny's mind for a while. A fun little distraction. But that's all it was. A little distraction that preoccupied his mind if only for a while. He didn't know what to make of the dilemma he was in. What if James told Alice? What if Lucas told Alice? What if he became infamous?

Danny didn't want any of this so he thought it best to avoid James altogether. He'd make his choice right now and that choice of as to stay away. Danny didn't want the popularity or the attention that came from dating James, if James even chose Danny over his three year long relationship with Alice. He didn't think he would.

"I need to avoid him." Danny said out loud.

Mell looked at his little brother with concern across her face.

"What?!" Janice exclaimed. "You can't avoid him!"

"Watch me." Danny crossed his arms against his chest. "I don't want the infamy that comes with dating James. You guys know I don't like the attention."

"It'll do you some good, Danny." Mell said.

"Plus you can't really avoid this." Janice shrugged her shoulders. "What's meant to be will be. And you can't avoid your feelings for James."

"I met him a week ago." Danny said. "I'm pretty sure I'm not in love or anything. It's probably just lust or my teenage hormones running wild. Who knows?! But what I do know is that these feelings will go away just like my feelings for Lucas did."

"They never went away." Mell said. "You know that so don't use that as an example. Its a terrible one."

"That's true." Janice agreed with Mell. "Lucas and you is a one way street. Sure Lucas loved you but that's over. And now you get the chance to escape those feelings and envelop yourself in a second chance but you don't take it."

"Why should I?" Danny looked at them with frustration. "He's dating someone amazing already. Why would he have such strong feelings for me? Maybe he fell for me because I'm the first boy that made him realize who he was. I'm just a first for him, so yeah. That's probably what I am. Just a first. He'll probably find some other jock to fall for. He's not gonna be with me when he realizes that other guys would easily go for him. He's almost every gay guys dream and then there's me. I'm nothing more than a dot compared to him."

"Danny..." Mell couldn't finish her sentence because Danny ran to his room and locked the door.

Danny didn't want to deal with this. He wanted life like it was when he had been with Lucas. He wanted simplicity. He wanted...

What did he really want?

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