Chapter Four

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James looked at the grave one last time before leaving. Christian was waiting for James as everyone started to clear to the graveyard. The funeral was sad and brought on a lot of tears for everyone. Everything was depressing right now but James knew not to get held up in the sadness because Mell would not have wanted that.

"Are you coming over to my place?" Christian asked as James looked at the trees ahead of him.

"Why not?" James looked back to see Harrison putting his hand behind Danny. "I feel like I have some unfinished business in this town."

"Whatever, bro." Christian snickered. "You look so serious."

"I feel serious if that's what you mean." James said scratching the back of his head. "Sorry it's just I'm hung up on something right now."

"The sudden smile from awkwardness makes me feel like you knew what Mell wanted. You know she hated all that sad crap. Heck if she had her way then there would be a huge party instead of a wake. The girl was a wild spirit."

"She was pretty crazy." James chuckled at the memories of the parties Mell were in.

"Come on." Christian said. "Come stay in town for a while and enjoy the amazingness that is this small ass town."

"Sure thing." James said.


"So what was this unfinished business you had to deal with?" Christian asked.

James just looked at Christian across the table. It was a slight nod and raised eyebrow that showed Christian exactly what James was trying to "finish".

"You're still chasing after Danny after all these years." Christian shook his head and smiled. "I want to root for you buddy but to be honest at this point it's too late. He's happy with Harrison and they're about to get engaged..."

"What?!" James exclaimed.

"Yeah, calm down." Christian said. "It's been so long since the incident at the wedding but they've been good. Things have been going their course and it makes sense for them to get married."

"Does it? Me and Danny have been through so much together. What's so wrong with going back to the way things were?"

"Things can't just go back to the way things were. The world is always changing and people change. Maybe it's time for you to change."

"You don't think I haven't tried? I've been trying to forget and accept the fact Danny is gone but it's hard. I just know deep down that he's the one. All I can ever do is hope he calls out of nowhere for me. This was the call I was waiting for."

"It probably doesn't help that you guys are surrounded by nostalgia and that Mell is probably cheering you two on."

"Cheering us on?"

"She told me about how she knew you two were meant for each other. Harrison is great but apparently she's always felt you two would be together in the end."

James had hope now. Maybe if he played his cards right then Danny would come back. That kiss wasn't a goodbye but a hello.


Danny looked at Lucas as he fidgeted around. This made Danny smile because it just reminded him about the first official date him and Lucas had. It was so odd having such an old friend right in front of him. These people and this small town is just bringing a rush of nostalgia.

"You know I missed all these things." Danny said. "My old friends and everything else that this small town had brought me over the years. Damn do I miss it all."

"I missed it all, too."  Lucas smiled. "But the past is the past and we can look at it through a pretty glass. The present doesn't suck that badly but you know we have to go back eventually."

"I know..." Danny looked outside the window of the cafe.

The leaves were turning colors signaling that fall was approaching. The cold brought many memories and along with this town they just kept getting strong. An urge to go back to the past kept growing inside him. He knew that the past probably wouldn't get him anywhere but he wanted to go back. He also knew the past was James.

"Keep moving forward." Lucas said taking Danny out of his dive into nostalgia.

"Sounds like something impossible right now."

"I know you want to go back to James..."


"I saw you two kiss. I know it seems like a good idea to go back but it's not. He's your connection to the past. He's your connection to Mell. He's not the future. I'm telling you that all things change and James may not be the same James you knew before."

"What's so bad about him changing? I liked his openness and towards the end he started to think too much about the future. Maybe he's changed back to his old self. The guy I fell for."

"You have Harrison. He's a great guy and a great father and you two have a life together that most people wish for. Don't ruin it because you feel nostalgic or sad."

"I just hate that I keep thinking about him like that... Jesus it's like an endless cycle. Why'd I even invite him here?"

"Because he's the closure you need. The last connection to Mell."

"What do I even do?"

"Whatever you think you should..."

Danny just looked at the coffee he was holding.


Kim came outside to sit next to James. He was just sitting down staring out onto the wilderness that lay beyond the backyard of Christian's home.

"You came back for Danny, huh?" Kim asked.

"I guess Christian filled you in." James said.

"Of course he did." Kim said. "He tells me everything. I still can't believe that after all these years you still like him that much. Even I couldn't be that patient with someone. It just seems so unrealistic that you haven't moved on."

"So I'm getting the idea that you both want me to move on?"

"Of course." Kim smiled sincerely. "We want you to be happy and we think that moving on can make you happy. You need someone who can open the world up again for you. Danny used to tell me how you were and to be honest you've changed since then. You're not the same and neither is Danny."

James just got up and walked into the house. It seemed like a everything was against him. Maybe the only way to achieve happiness was to move on but he can't help but wonder what would be true happiness. Even if he did move on the thought of Danny would never go away. Those feelings will stick no matter what. James knew this. He knew that Danny and him were meant to be. He didn't know how they were going to end up together but he knew that they would. In the end all the pain would be worth it if it meant that Danny would be his again.

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