Chapter Six

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For James, one week of not seeing Danny felt like a mixture of bliss and torture. Bliss because his conflicting feelings didn't come back to haunt him but torture because he missed seeing Danny. Everything was so complicated whenever he thought about Danny. Maybe it was the new found knowledge that he could like a guy or that he actually probably only liked Danny. He didn't know what he felt at all.

Alice came running towards James hugging him. She kissed him on the cheek and James loved every second of it. He was experiencing a revitalization of what the honeymoon phase was like with Alice. The blue eyed wonder couldn't help but have longing and love in her eyes. James wanted this.

"So tomorrow is the night when I get to meet Danny all over again!" Alice smiled at the thought but James complicated feelings resurfaced. "My you look conflicted. Did Danny say something bitchy to you?"

"Oh, no." James now knew the extent to which Alice knew how he felt. "It's just macroeconomics class is kind of making me nervous."

"Big test?" Alice asked.

He nodded feeling guilty for lying to his adorable and caring girlfriend but he couldn't tell her about Danny. He still needed to know what he was actually feeling, lust or love.


Brandon looked at the clock while telling Christian to shut up. Christian kept ranting on about Kat and James just rolled his eyes thanking God that his sister was a lesbian and Christian had zero chances with her. As he kept on looking at the teacher in his pre-calculus class he started to fall asleep.

Once he did his dreams became that of lust and yearning for none other than Danny. James wanted to touch him but Danny's face was turned back on him and a hand kept him from getting near Danny. Then another hand appeared and both of them wrapped James in a warmth unlike any he had felt before. It was beautiful Alice who he saw when he turned around and he kissed her.

James opened his eyes to the bell ringing but his heart was back to normal. He knew who was the one for him and she was probably waiting for him to get to Christian's party.


It was Saturday and Alice was staring at her self in the mirror picking apart every little detail. James came up behind her.

"You're beautiful just as you look." James whispered in her ear.

"God, yesterday I must've done a good job, huh." Alice said smiling.

Of course she had!

James was falling more and more in love with Alice each passing day. After Friday and that dream he couldn't deny his feelings for Alice were stronger. It also made sense to him since he knew Alice the longest and their relationship was beyond perfect.

"Okay, gotta get ready to meet the gay guy of my dreams." Alice smiled at the thought again and then she had a revelation. "Holy crap! Danny dated Lucas! I just remembered how infatuated he was with that kid! Man, I think they just broke up like three months ago or something. I can't believe it. Lucas dated the boy genius."

What?! Lucas was Danny's ex?! Wait what's wrong with that? Why should James care? Let Danny be friends with his ex it's not like him and Danny were a thing so why should he be jealous in the first place.

"Let's go then!" Alice took ahold of James's hand and they ran downstairs saying quick goodbyes to everyone.

When they were in the car Alice began talking nonstop about how Danny and her were going to be amazing friends together. James on the other hand kept picturing the dream and thought about it's similarity to the siren. Could Alice actually be keeping him away from Danny? What's wrong with him?! Alice is too kind and sweet and plus she didn't even know James had feelings for Danny. Sure he as being pulled away but it was maybe for his own good. I mean the guy is friends with his ex! That's gotta be warning sign for drama.

"We're here!" Alice was excited and they both got out the car to see the two story mansion that Christian lived in.

It had the authentic Mexican architecture in mind but it looked modern at the same time. It was an odd combination but for what it was it meshed well if you consider the fact that Christian was white and latino. Alice dragged James into the mansion wanting to meet up with Danny. James couldn't help but laugh at the thought that his girlfriend was more eager to meet Danny than he was.

When they entered Christian greeted James and Alice. Alice was so eager to seek out Danny but James was too tired so he sat down on the couch. His girlfriend looked like a frantic mother who'd lost her child. Brandon sat next to James.

"So I've been noticing something." Brandon said as he sipped the cold beer he was holding. "You've been preoccupied and I know it isn't college or your grades. Is there another woman?"

"No!" James said quickly.

"You know you can tell me anything right?" Brandon said. "I remember back in fourth grade when you had a crush on this girl but you also liked this other girl which made you make the the thinker's face."

"The thinker's face?"

"Yeah, you put your hand on your chin and stared off into the distance while biting your lips." Brandon said. "You've made that face on multiple occasions but they usually involved having crushes and only last a day. Usually you would tell me what you were thinking about but the past week you've been making that face you actually have been quiet. So I assumed there was another woman. Plus you and Alice have been acting extra lovey this week."

"Really?" James thought about it and couldn't help but find his behavior unusual but he shook his head. "There isn't another woman."

"Whatever, man." Brandon said. "Just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Well, I am." James got up and went to the restroom. He wanted to be trapped in there to avoid Alice and Danny because he knew eventually the two of them would meet.

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