Chapter Two

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Kat's pink hair was all over James face. His sister was completely and maddeningly trying make him get out but he wouldn't budge so as not to lose the bet they made. James was studying for his Macroeconomics class which was the "real" reason why he wouldn't budge.

"Come on, please!" Kat pleaded.

"I need to study, sis." James said. "Plus I know you just want me to lose the bet."

"I do want you to lose the bet but I also want my older brother to come with me and enjoy a night out."

James hated the fact that his sister was a genius but was also easily swayed by the prospect of parties and the club life. Despite her annoyance, he couldn't help but love her since it was Kat who opened his world to the present. During freshmen year he was so enveloped in the future that his life seemed to be ruled by visions of a family suburban life and a job as a lawyer. Now he still had those dreams but he was more inclined to spend his youthful years enjoying his girlfriend's company and his sister's insanity. The way his sister changed his life you might ask?

Kat had come out of the closet and even though it took his parents a while they came to terms with it. James loved his sister for being so brave.

So he closed the book and asked her,"Where are we going?"

"To Sainted!" Kat exclaimed.

"The gay club?!" Even though James loved gay people he still wasn't comfortable with the prospect of being in a gay bar getting hit on by guys.

"Oh, come on!" Kat begged. "Just this once! I need you there just in case the girl I'm supposed to meet up turns out to be a serial killer or kidnapper or something."

Still apprehensive James finally agreed texting Alice, his girlfriend, that he want going to be able to study with her tonight. He send her a series of lovely little blushing emoticons that send all his despair about not being able to go study with her. She wondered why and James immediately told her that he was going to Sainted with his sister. Alice was oddly fine with that.

"So my girlfriend's okay with me going to a gay club." James chuckled.

"Well, Alice is just that awesome isn't she?" Kat winked at him and he drove all the way to Sainted with Kat by his side.

"So I heard that Bryce left the school to go venture to Europe?" Kat said smiling at the thought.

Bryce was the closest James had ever gotten to having a best friend. Bryce was also distant and tended to close himself from the most that lived him. It was an odd dynamic that he and James had. Bryce was also rich thanks to his parents numerous amount of money.

"Spoiled rich brat." James laughed at the thought of Bryce being so far away and enjoying the isolation that was brought by a remote cabin up in Switzerland.

"Well, he's your best friend." Kat just laughed. "But then again who knows who's your best friend, Mr. Popular."

Mr. Popular is exactly how to best describe James or how people mainly described him. It mainly made him feel conceded to agree with them but he had to agree. Being popular made him feel trapped sometimes because even though James wasn't afraid of intimacy he still had the fear of humiliation. It contradicted so much of himself but it was still there.

"So we're here!" Kat smiled with excitement in her eyes. "I can't wait to meet up with her!"

"So romantic." James rolled his eyes. "The first date in a gay club."

"Shut up." Kat stuck her tongue out.

James and Kat left the car and went into the club hearing the music that made James heart beat. Oh God, he loved the sound and the insanity of the way the people moved as he walked inside. James still felt the need for privacy. He wanted Alice there so badly! How he missed her!

"There she is!" Kat shouted over the music pointing to a red haired girl who had hazel eyes and even James had to admit the girl looked beautiful even in a red varsity jacket.

Right next to her was this girl who had short caramel hair who was chatting with her. But what caught James attention was the boy with light brown hair and glasses. He was blushing red at something the caramel haired girl said. He knew that boy. James guessed he'd seen him in school before.

"Come on, stop gawking and let's go." Kat said excitedly all while James blushed at his sister's comment.

James wondered who she thought he was even gawking at.

"And there she is!" The red haired girl shouted.

"Of course, who else but me?" Kat winked at her.

"Whose this handsome stranger?" The caramel haired girl winked at James making James automatically flash his winner smile.

"That's my incredibly handsome brother, James." Kat smiled as though she was presenting a trophy to her friends. "And whose the shy cutie right over there."

And there was the boy again. The boy he couldn't help but look at because he felt like he knew him. They probably went to the same school or something but this just made him want to know who the guy was. He wondered if the guy would try to hit on him or some thing but that soon vanished when the boy's face turned red as the attention was all turned on him.

For some reason, James felt like hugging the poor guy.

"That's my very shy brother, Danny." The caramel haired girl brought him close.

He could see how they could be related but their personalities seemed to clash. It looked like at any second the boy was going to run away or something. But James surprised the boy smiled and laughed. When James heard that laugh, he felt like he would do anything to hear it again. James didn't know why his heart pounded at the sight of Danny's smile and laugh but it did.

"So you finally got him to actually smile, Mell." The red haired girl said.

"Janice, how could I not?!" Mell smiled devilishly. "He's my proud gay brother and it's time we showed him to a new guy."

They all stared at James who shook his head.

"I'm straight!" James shouted over the music.

"Yeah, he has a girlfriend!" Kat yelled.

"Well, that sucks!" Mell shouted. "Have any gay brothers or friends?!"

James would've shouted Bryce's name but most people were usually put off by the fact that Bryce was actually bisexual. Plus he was in Europe. So James thought of his two older brothers and shook his head knowing they were married already.

"Well, who cares!" Mell pushed Danny into James. "Show him a good time, hetero!"

James was a lot taller than Danny and Danny just looked at him with a smile but it quickly faded as he said,"Sorry, about my sister! She's kind of insane!"

James finally heard him speak but for he wanted to make Danny smile so he told him it was fine. That drew the smile from the shy boy's face and made James flash his own winner smile. He grabbed Danny by the hand shouted,"Let's dance!"

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