Chapter Ten

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James had to do it. He breathed in and out to calm his nerves. It all seemed so difficult but he had to. Do it for Danny. The lunchroom was full and he didn't want to make a big show in front of everyone so he asked Alice to go outside the bleachers with him. Alice obliged but she had to gossip a little more with her friends.

As he sat there he had second thoughts but it was incredibly hard to chose. His feelings were now a jumbled mess but they floated towards Danny. He felt alive and more passionate with Danny. Sparks flew when he kissed Alice but fire burned with Danny. It was a comparison that left James with a sudden hunger for a kiss from Danny. He didn't know if it was actually just lust but if it was definitely too strong to ignore.

James saw Danny and in the second of eye contact that they had together he saw just how much Danny wanted him. It was a second that conveyed so much meaning. James never thought it possible. Only in romantic novels do you ever see this kind of connection but it was there and James wanted it. The connection was clear and it was beautiful. He wanted to go over there and kiss that little nerdy cute face. James would do anything for him. It maybe an infatuation at this point but for some reason James felt like it would blossom into something.

Alice came out of nowhere and kissed James in front of Danny. He wanted to push her off so badly and chase after Danny. Danny got up and went to the restroom as Alice stopped kissing James. They met eyes but only for a second. That's when he knew that Danny wanted James with the kind of intensity that he wanted him.

"I need to talk to you..." James said feeling assured that he had to do this. He couldn't see Danny get hurt anymore.

"What's wrong?" Alice seemed taken back and had a worried expression written all over her face.

"Let's go outside." James said and they both walked out in silence.

"Can you tell me what's wrong now?" Alice placed her hand over James cheek caressing him.

"We need to break up." James said.

"What?" James saw tears form in Alice's eyes. "Why? What did I do?"

"It's honestly not you it's me."

"It's someone else isn't it?"

"Why would you say that?"

"I just felt I was going to lose you at some point. I don't know why but I knew this was coming so I tried my best to see past it and make the days like how we were freshmen year. But things run there course, I guess. So whose this special person?"

Alice still had tears on her face but she held them down. It seemed that she still wanted to be close to James. And James didn't want to lose her. They wouldn't talk for a couple of days, he knew, but eventually they could be very good friends.

"I fell for someone else, that's true. And it's Danny."

"Danny Knowles?" Alice smiled a little bit. "The boy genius is lucky. Getting someone like you."

She chuckled and gave him a playful punch in the arm. Tears still flowed down her face.

"I guess this means we can't talk for a while." James said.

"I'll get over this eventually but yeah." Alice gave James one last kiss and walked away.

Now he could go after Danny. Now he could finally see where a relationship with Danny would go. Now he was free to love him. Danny Knowles was about to meet his match.

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