Part 2: Danger

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We were just on our way to home from school, when two black vehicles started following us.

We were just on our way to home from school, when two black vehicles started following us

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Man, talk about trouble.Pheww.

Lilac and I frowned.

As if God was testing my patience in this particular day.

First we had to pretend to fight over a freaking boyyy!!

Just because we wanted to catch our enemies off-guard. So, that their efforts may be reduced to minute instead of something full pledged.

And now we had to deal with these dudes. Thanks a lot for NOTHING, GOD. I made a sad face as I turned to look at Lilac.

Like,it was just a while ago when I started dating Ryan, he was new to our school.

But here's the catch. We didn't know that he was one of Emily's cousins.

And,Bruh, if you ever encounter Emily just turn your back and runn!!

Don't walk! just runn!

Well, I got to know that Emily was planning to sabotage Lilac's birthday party by doing something big.

Well, let's just pretend we didn't see this coming.

So, apparently she knew that nothing she did could affect Lilac emotionally.

In other words, she needed to do something which would emotionally scar her for a while.

With that said, Idk what took over her but she thought she can break our bond through a boy.

People be so stupid nowadays.

Whatever, we just wanted some time out of school, well I did. Cause I had to organise the venue for Lilac's b-day.

I am so happy.

Well she might have angry at me for dragging her out of class into the detention but she my bae.

So ofcourse, I get her unconditional pardon no.matter. what! Jeezuh!

*Laughs in hysteria* but in head that is.

"Common Bell. We gotta do something." Lilac shook me by holding shoulders.

"Huh-huh?? What?" I was startled.

She flicked my forehead and pointed towards the two black vans which were supposedly here to kidnap us.

We knew that since, all our vehicles had number 09 or 07 at the end of the number plate .So, they weren't ours.

I smiled sheepishly, "Oh yeah, about thatt....."

I put both my hands on either side of Lilac's shoulder as I shouted. "Girl, what you waiting forrr just runnn you don't gotta ask!"

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