7. Manifesto

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It was evening, and i saw the most beautiful and peaceful sunset.

It felt like the sky had been set in fire.

I was standing at the balcony looking at the fire set sky and the orange clouds floating around. Mrs Russo voice kept running in my head. I don't know why, but her words kept ringing in my ear. I hated all those filthy words she said about Sofia. I could slit her tongue off, but I just let it go. I sigh as a soft little voice calls me "Mama," I turned. It was Sofia.

She called me Mama? My heart raced. I never felt too happy before. I kneeled at her level. "What did you say?" I questioned,just want to reassure myself whether I heard right or not. "Mama," she giggled. " You're my mom now as you said it before in the funeral. I loved it."

Tears filled my eyes. I never knew what it feels like to be mom. But I melted when Sofia called me her mom. My mom always said to me that when a woman becomes a mom, she feels she's the most lucky person in the world. I feel it,really.

"Well, does that mean now I am Sofia Valentino?" Sofia questioned in the cutest way possible. I chuckled "No that's not possible." I caressed her cheeks with my thumb. She furrowed her brows. "Why? Because I am not your blood?"

"No, no..Because. Don't you like your dad's surname?"
"I want yours."
I chuckled. She was cute. "How about Sofia Rocco Valentino?" She smiled."Sounds good."

I picked Sofia and sat on the swinging chair, which was present in the balcony. We talked like there's no end. Somewhere in the conversation, I found peace. There was no perfect evening like this one. I wish this never ended.

We cuddled,laughed at our own jokes, and played with each other.

"I was never this happy before," Sofia speaks. "MY mom never loved me. Dad was too busy to spend time with me, but he did love me. Mom always said I was her mistake. I never knew what mom's love felt like until that day when I met you. You made so many memories." She glanced at me.

"Now you have your new mom. I promise you, princess, I will always keep you safe and happy. I will be your protector. No one on the earth could touch you. I will make you live in your fairytale. You will be happy with me. But you have to promise me something."


"You have to talk and play with me every day. Tell me about your day, share your thoughts with me, and"

"Gossip with you?"

I chuckled "Yes sure."

"I love you,"
I softened.."I love you too, princess," I placed a soft peck on her forehead, and we cuddled for some time.

Later at night

We all sat down for dinner. After me, Sofia loved spending time with Ruby and sometimes Kallix, too.

A security member came in with a letter in his hand. "I got this a minute ago." I nod and took it. "Read it!" Sofia jumped. "Later. Finish the dinner first. " she made a sad face, which forced me to read the letter.

The letter

To: the most brave and gorgeous lady
From: Your future husband.

I must agree, you do have a big heart to adopt a daughter out of blue. You proved that DNA doesn't make family. Well let me get to the point for which I am writing you this letter to let you know about our marriage. Yes, you read it right. You are marrying me on Sunday morning. I have sent you the invitations, invite your closed ones. I am eagerly waiting to see you in the white dress.

It's sad to know about Christian's death, too. I hope Sofia is doing well.



Kallix choked ,Ruby was left speechless, and Sofia? She was disgusted. I was disgusted and shocked, too. Like mother like daughter.

I dialed Elliot's number.
On Call

Elliot: Hello?

Me" What type of joke is this?

Elliot: I don't joke sugar.


Elliot: Look, sugar. I am being kind to you, so you obey me like a good girl. If you don't come to the venue, then with no choice left, i have to force you to marry me. Ask Kallix. He knows what happens when you disobey me.

Me: Bold of you to think I am afraid of your threats Mr Elliot Ferdinando.

Elliot: You are just inviting trouble on your own.


The Call ends..

Few minutes later while I was reading out a book for Sofia. I heard Gunshot sound. Sofia got scared as she held me tight. Ruby came to her room and stayed with her while I walked downstairs.

It was all dark. I was moving towards the door while someone held my hand and pulled me on the other side. I was about to attack that person, but the person spoke, and it was a familiar voice. "It's me, Kallix. FLAMES has attacked us. It's just a starting"

"How do you know?"

"I found another letter which clearly says if you don't marry him, then he will attack us.

I walked out. Bunch of dead bodies. I gulped at the scene. "Clean this mess before Sofia sees this." I ordered while getting inside the home.


This is just another morning. Anything that happened yesterday
I was having my coffee, and Kallix stood in front of me. "If you don't marry him, then he will ruin KNIGHTS."

"I am powerful enough to handle him,"

"I think it will be easy to get your revenge if you marry him." a femine voice spoke . Well, it was Ruby." I can cross every single limit, but I can't marry him."

"It's your loss. I guess, " Ruby said." If you marry him, then you will be with him every day. You will be the queen too, which means more powerful. You can easily ruin him after gaining his trust and love."

Kallix was amazed by Ruby's words.
I think Ruby was right. She was.

" I will give it a think," I said, sipping my coffee.

"Good morning, mom," a voice caught my attention, and I smiled. "Good morning, princess. Did you sleep well?" She sat on my lap."I did," she snuggled herself. "Are you going to get married to that guy who sent you the letter?" She said in a sleepy tone.


"Then we must go shopping."

I chuckled at her sleepy voice. "Sure. We must."

It was around 10 am. when I got a call from an unknown number. I picked up.

Me: Hello?

Unknown: Is this Valeria Valentino?
Me: Yes. But who are you?

Unknown: I am a principle from Little Flower English school, Alessandro Bianchi

Me: It's nice to meet you, Mr Bianchi.

Bianchi: Nice to meet you too. Sofia has not attended classes for some time now. I wonder if she's doing well?

Me: She won't be attending Little Flower English school for some personal reasons. I will come and do the written work soon.

Bianchi: Sure. But are you her relative?

Me: her mother.

Bianchi was left speechless. "Uh..well... okay, I will be waiting for your visit."

The call ends there.

I called Sofia. She entered the room. " Yes, mom?"
"Princess, you won't be attending Little Flower English school from now on. After my wedding I will find a better school for you dear.. is that okay for you?"

She nodded. "Whatever you think is right for me, mom."

I dont want her to go to Little Flower is only because after what happened to her, her friends will be making fun of her. She will be depressed and stressed out about this tragedy.

I don't want her to suffer like I did.

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