14. Stalker?

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You will get tired of running away, but I will never stop chasing you. I exist because I am madly obsessed .

What did I just read?

Who's the person behind this letter? Is that person keeping an eye on me? How did that person know me? And so many questions kept running in my mind.

"Must be a sort of prank," I shrugged, taking this lightly. But my heart never agreed with me. As I was tired, I drifted to my dreamland.


This morning, I was in the garden, and I found a LETTER again. I couldn't read it because Sofia was with me.

I got into my room and pulled the drawer of the dressing table. I took out the letter to read, but Elliot got in. I quickly put it back in its place.

"What are you doing?" He asked suspiciously .

"Uh, nothing."

"What's in the drawer?"

"I said you, it's nothing."

"Okay, if you insist." He pulled out his gun and kept it on the table, which was placed parallel to my dressing table.

He started undressing himself, taking off his black shirt, revealing his shredded back. I just kept admiring his goddamm back.

My man is hot~

I walked in his direction, wanting to touch his bare back so badly. But again my motherfucking ego in between.

"Just touch it if you want to,"

I flinched with his sudden response. "Not interested," I said, backing off.

Touch touch touch!! My heart screamed. Don't don't don't don't my mind rushed.

But yea, in between my heart and brain, I always listen to my heart. So I touched his shredded back.


His scars.. they were so deep. He moaned softly when I touched his scars.


Not even with a second thought, I turned him. He faced me. I was lost in his whiskey deep eyes. They were craving for my touch, for me.  They waited for me to look into them and get lost in them.

My eyes slowly roamed at his torso. Knife cuts. Bullet holes. I touched them, and he moaned again. My hands traveled on his bicep arms. He kept staring at me with his intense eyes.

He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me close. My left hand wrapped around his neck while his right arm was holding his right upper arm.

"Let my waist go," I said, not looking at him as my eyes were glued on his scars chest.

"I don't want to, I want to hold you like this forever even in the afterlife. "
He said, holding me tightly.

"Let me go, Elliot,"

He sighed, leaving me. My next actions left him speechless.

I kissed his scars.

He moaned softly. Ahhhhh, butterflies.

"Would you show me heaven? Fuck me better than Massimo? Making me scream your name and beg for more?"

"So unlike you, but I won't be questioning today. Yes , I can take you to heaven and make you scream."

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