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While leaving for home, I dialed a number and said "Approve it." After saying this I ended the call.

While I was driving, I saw a cafe and went to drink coffee. When I finished my coffee, I went home.

Bazil and mom were a bit tensed and asked me questions about that girl. I told them about it, when we were in the mall. They left at that time without asking any questions but, now they want to know what happened.

I told them not to worry and just her blood pressure was down, that's why she fainted. To my surprise, they actually believed me.

I went to my room and washed my face and prayed 'Isha prayer'. No matter how busy I am, I always pray.

After praying, I lay down on my bed. Thoughts started to circle my mind.

'Why did she faint when she heard his name?'

'She knows him. But how?'

'Did he harass her?'

'What am I expecting from such a filthy man?'

After joining all the dots, I came to the conclusion. 'That bastard harassed her and because of that she had a panic attack.'

Why are you thinking about her right now Zav?

Because, as a human being it's my right.

Yeah yeah, try your best to hide your feelings.

Maybe you like her!

Shut up!! I shook my head to remove these unnecessary thoughts and made a plan to destroy him.

Anwar Tariq, you are gone! I smirked while thinking about this.



Hooriya is wondering, how Zaviyar knows that she had a panic attack, when she tried to ask Sana, Sana told her that she fainted because of low blood pressure.

'Was Zaviyar lying?' she thought.

'Why will he lie though?' He has no reason to do that.

She was so indulged in thinking, eventually she got tired and dozed off.

Zaviyar on the other hand, planned to make Anwar Tariq, face bankruptcy. Before sleeping, his last thought was how cute she looked, when he annoyed her by calling her 'Guriya'.


Zaviyar woke up, and saw the time. It was 5 am. 'Time for Fajar Prayer' he thought. After praying he went to the gym and worked out for 2 hours.

After working out, he saw his watch and it showed 7 am. Perfect time for a bath. After taking a bath, he ate breakfast with his family.

"Zaviyar, I sent you so many pictures and you haven't said yes to any one girl yet!" His mother complained while serving him paratha.

He doesn't know why but Hooriya came to his mind, when her mother asked him this question.

"I will tell you myself, Ammi." He answered her while eating, trying to ignore his thoughts.

"That means, you are seeing someone? What's her name by the way?" His mother enquired.

"No, I am not seeing anyone. I will tell you myself ammi, don't worry." He told her calmly, even though this topic pisses him off.

Ehsaas - Contrary Hearts 🤍Where stories live. Discover now