Ch.6: Hwang Geum.

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"Naya! Please understand me! Chief is calling me continuously, we have to go home!". I told her, who was sitting on a bench in an empty road. Chief told me to take this girl home but she made me stop the car only to sit here like a dead body.
"Will you shut up?!". She shouted at me, making me fall back in fear. Suddenly she got up and looked straight into me like Anabelle.
"You! You think I'm funny?". She said pointing at me.
"I d-on't thi-nk". God, she's scaring me.
"I was dying! I was literally on the edge of dying and you! You held my hand like you were saving me but sat there making fun of me".
Oh! This is the story. I signed deeply and looked here and there.
"Naya not now. It's not safe for us to be alone here-".
"I was alone there too! You know how I felt while hanging off the building? You didn't even care about my life!".
"It's you who went there without informing us! It's you who fell off the building! Why are you blaming me as if I pushed you!Be happy that at least I came at the right time and saved you".
"You saved me? You mocked me! You made fun of a girl who was crying for her life! You made me hate you! I really hate you, San!".
"As if I care".
She just looked down. Is she? Don't tell me she's crying now. God!! This girl is getting on my nerves!! Why did I even accept to drop her? I should have booked a cab for her.
"I'm booking a cab". She told me as if she heard me.
"Wh-at? No! Chief told me to take you home safely".
"I can take care of myself! I don't need you". She started booking a cab.
Is she serious now? I mean yes, just now I thought I should have sent her in the cab but I don't like the way it became reality.
"Naya please don't make the situation worse. Your sister will be waiting for you. It's your birthday for god sake".
" remember. Ha! You literally made fun of me by using my birthday right. How can I forget".
She's shooting my head.
"So what now? You want to go in a cab right? Go!"
Suddenly I got a call from the Chief again.
No, this time I have to pick up.


"So what now? You want to go in a cab right? Go!". He said, which widened my eyes.
So this guy really doesn't care about me?.
I without wasting a time booked a nearby car without searching the details.
Soon, the car came and stopped in front of me.
I just hopped on without looking at San.

Shit! One sided love hurts a lot more than break ups.
"Ma'am, can I ask you something?". The driver asked me.
"Do you perhaps know the car which is following us?". I looked back in confusion.
San? Why is he following me? His house is in the opposite direction right? Is he…NO! NO! Don't think rubbish things Naya! There's no way he's following me out of concern. He's following me because he got orders from his boss.


I called San and informed him about Yn. He told me he'll be there within a few minutes.
I stopped the car in front of the house and ran towards the door. What scared me was that the main door was open.
"Yn?? Miniee!!". I shouted.
"Appaa!!!". Taemin ran towards me and hugged my legs.
"Where's your mom?".
"In her art room". I picked Taemin and ran towards the room.
There I saw her lying on the floor in unconcious.
I picked her up and placed her on the couch.
"Yn?? Yn?!". I went near the table and took a water bottle. I sprinkled water on her face.
She slowly opened her eyes and looked towards me.
"W-hat hap-pened?". She asked me in confusion.
"Mummy. You suddenly fell to the ground like a doll. I was scared so I called appa". Min said.
"I'm calling doctor-".
"No! I'm fine". She interrupted me.
"You are not! I'm calling". I walked out to call one of my doctor friend.

"Nothing serious happened to her. It's just a weakness and nutritional imbalance. Maybe she's skipping her food". Jin , my doctor friend told me while checking her.
"Jinnie uncle, you are right. Mummy will never have food". Min said.
"Minie!". Yn signaled him to keep quiet.
"Yn, you should not skip food".
"Tell her!". We heard Naya's voice. I turned to see Naya and behind her was my innocent subordinate.
She ran towards and sat next to Yn as I went back.
"She will never have proper food. She'll only have one meal a day. I'm always scolding her".
"Why didn't you tell me this?". I asked her.
"Who are you to my sister to tell you everything about her?".
"I'm her-".
"Chief!". San tapped my shoulder to make me stop.
Yes, Naya is right. I'm no one to her. I'm just an ex husband who got mutual custody of our child. If Taemin was not born there would have been no connection for us.
"Ermm..can I talk to Yn personally? A doctor and patient conversation". Jin asked, looking towards me. I just nodded.
"Minie, let's go mm". I took Min out. San and Naya followed me.

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