we cream the campers

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The next day I was stressed out and kept replaying the dream of Artemis in my head, it nearly made me forget my other dreams, the one from the other night and last night

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The next day I was stressed out and kept replaying the dream of Artemis in my head, it nearly made me forget my other dreams, the one from the other night and last night. Not to mention the visions.

They made me so confused, I can't remember my life before being a hunter, but I think I would remember if I kissed someone, right?

Maybe it wasn't my past, but my future. But what future will I have in a castle, sneaking around with some boy. The thought made my nose wrinkle in disgust.

Most castles are not that new, and no one wears clothes like that nowadays.

I guess there was one person I could ask, but the thought of speaking to her made my stomach curl.

If what I felt was really love then why not visit a daughter of love? They all hated us, so maybe I could get the oldest to at least listen for a moment.

I decided not to ask, most people at camp didn't really like us hunters.

I wondered around for a while and watched as the satyrs chase wood nymphs, they would get close then the nymphs would turn to trees and the satyrs would smack their noses against the wood. I rolled my eyes, why would anyone even want love, to me it was like wasting time and energy on something that will only cause you pain and worry. It's so much easier to just live without romantic love.

Don't get me wrong, I love my sisters of the hunt, I love Artemis like a mother and I love what I do. It's not like I don't love, just not romantically.

I walked away and went to the pegasus stables and saw Silena Beauregard in there, she sent me murderous glare from across the stable.

I just stood petting one of the pegasus' nose and feeding it sugar cubes, ignoring her and thinking of ways to ask about my dreams.

Eventually she started to leave and as she passed me I turned, no going back now.

"Silena," I started. "I was wondering—"

"I'm surprised you even remembered a daughter of Aphrodites name." She said snappily.

She started to walk off again.

"Listen I need help." I said. Then cringed.

She laughed and turned to me with her arms crossed. "With what, hunter?"

I took a deep breath. "I've been having these...dreams. Where I'm in a castle but I escaped with a boy and kissed him."

I shuddered admitting to someone else what happened in my dream.

Silena raised a brow. "And? What do you want me to do about it?"

Ouch. That burns, I must have looked hurt because Silenas gazed softened the tiniest bit.

"I need help," I pleaded. "I don't know if it's my past or my future or even another person who looks and sounds exactly like me. And I thought who better to ask than a daughter of love because I felt love when I kissed him, Silena."

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