the god of trashfires

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I just realized how loud the alarms were blaring

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I just realized how loud the alarms were blaring. It gave me a migraine.

My fingertips were scraped from using my bow so much is so little time, they'd heal pretty quickly though.

Morals ran around crazy with no set path. Even their security guards had no clue what was going on.

Grover went to help Thalia up. She seemed ok just a little dazed.

Zoé and Bianca dropped from the balcony, landing next to me.

Zoé eyed Percy cautiously. "That was... an interesting strategy."

"Hey, it worked."

She didn't argue. Which was surprising to me, I suppose it was to Percy's credit that we killed the lion.

That was the closest zoés ever going to get to complimenting him.

The lion seemed to shimmer and melt until there was nothing left but the fur coat which shrank to the size of a normal lions skin.

"Take it," I told Percy.

He stared at me. All I could see when I saw him was the boy from the dream—I'd bet a thousand golden drachmas they're related.

"What, the lions fur?" He asked. "Isn't that, like, an animals rights violation or something?"

I roll my eyes. "It is a spoil of war, it is rightfully yours."

"You killed it." He said.

I shook my head, a ghost of a smile on my face. "I think your ice cream sandwich did that. Just take the fur, Percy Jackson."

He lifted the fur up and it changed into a full-length golden brown duster.

"Not exactly my style." He murmured.

"We have to get out of here," Grover said. "The security guards won't stay confused for long."

I nod, noticing the guards run around in no set path.

"You did that?" Percy asked Grover.

He nodded, looking rather embarrassed. "A minor confusion song. I played some Barry Manilow. It works every time. But it'll only last a few seconds"

"The security guards are not our biggest worry," zoé said. "Look."

Through the glass walls of the museum I saw them—gray men like ghouls, in camouflage outfits.

"Go," Percy said. "They'll be hunting me. I'll distract them."

"No." I said. "We go together."

He stared at me again, does he never believe a word that comes out of my mouth? "But, you said-"

"You are part of this quest now." Zoé said. "I do not like it but there is no changing fate. You are the sixth quest member. And we are not leaving anyone behind."

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