Making a Friend

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These past couple of days in the hotel were nice. But it felt like I was starting to feel a little left out and alone. It’s been like that since my friend Aqua was trying to get close with the pussycat that has anger issues. I can never understand why people are like that.

One day, I was walking through the hallways of the hotel until I heard some weird noises through the walls. And then, I heard a familiar giggle. “Of course. Come out of there Nifty!”

“Okay!” she said as she popped her head out of the ventilation system. She was giggling like a crazy lady.

“Nifty what are you even doing in the walls?” I asked her.

She giggled again. “I’m just looking around. I found more bugs and I got rid of most of them. But some of them got away. One of these days, I'm going to get them all and make them burn for what they did.”

“Nifty what did they do exactly to deserve being killed by your hand?”

Nifty was just giggling like crazy as usual. “Just because.”

I laughed with her. I was having a good time talking to her. She jumped out of the ventilation system and had some dust and cobwebs all over her.

“You’re all dirty.” I said as I took out a washcloth from my chest fur. “I’ll clean you up.”

“No! I don’t like that!” she said as she tried to get away.

I couldn’t help it. And I know that she didn't like the feeling one bit. And I know that she doesn’t like being treated like a kid. Because she wasn’t a kid.

After I was done cleaning her up, I asked her, “You want me to make you something like a treat or anything Nifty?”


“It looks like you're thirsty. You want some apple juice with a twist of lemon?”

She smiled and started jumping on the chair. “Oh yes!” she responded in excitement.

“Okay.” I said.

I went to work to make her a glass of apple juice with some lemon juice. Then I slid it over to her like I was acting like a bartender. But I wasn't, I was just having fun. But it reminded me of that stupid cat bartender. Ugh, I really didn’t like him very much.

“Ooh, looks good!” Nifty said.

She drinks it all up like it was nothing.


“That was really good!” she said as she sat there taking a breath. Then she started to relax.

I sat down with her and we ended up having a good conversation with each other. I discovered that Nifty passed away in her 40s. It was when she was trying to kill her husband.

Now that story was very interesting to me. She was always a cook and a cleaner since she was a stay-at-home mom. She taking care of her child and her husband at the time. But when her husband took her over the edge, Nifty got pretty deep when she was telling me what had happened to her. I was sad for her, but she said that she trusted me.

It felt nice that she trusted me into me listening to her story. We kept talking for hours about… everything.

“So what’s your story Rachel?” she asked me as she was having another lemon infused apple juice.

“Well…” I started. “I don't remember much, but I remember that I was in a deep state of depression. And the last thing that I knew was that I heard a gunshot. Nothing more.”

“Anything else?”

“Oh, and then all I saw was white and clouds. But now that I’m here, life has been more interesting since I came to the hotel.”

“And I’m glad you came too.” she smiled.

“Thanks Nifty.” I said as I smiled back.

It was nice knowing that I was becoming closer with Nifty. We were getting along just fine.

“Hey Rachel?” she said my name.


“You wanna join me with cleaning work? It’ll be fun!”

“I get a little bit obsessive of cleaning sometimes. I have OCD and I like things to be in a certain way.”

“I have a special disorder while I was growing up and I still have it to this day. It's called schizophrenia. But it's okay with me. It’s just a part of my personality.”

I smiled. “Okay, we can have fun some other way. Hey, do you like to wrestle?”

Nifty gave me a weird look. “What's wrestling? I never heard of it.”

I explained to her what wrestling was. “It’s about pushing each other down and holding them down for the longest time.”

“Ooh yeah! Sounds fun!”

“Okay, let’s do it.” I said.

“Yeah!” Nifty got excited.

“Okay.” I said as I got up from my chair and got into position. Since she is small, I thought I could able to win. “You ready?”


At first, I’ve put Nifty into a simple headlock. It wasn’t too hard or too gentle. Then I picked her up just a little bit to show her how it's done. After I was done, it was her turn. What I didn’t realize was that Nifty's energy was so strong, she threw me right to the floor.

“Oh damn.” my eyes widened.

“How was that?” she giggled.

“That was pretty cool.” I said as I was impressed knowing her small size.

“Thanks!” she said as she helped me back up.

“You are a beast at it Nifty and you should be proud of that.”

“That was fun! Let’s do it again!” she said.

I chuckled. “Okay.”

And so we were at the wrestling for the past hour until everybody comes in for dinner. I was glad that I was able to make friends with Nifty. Now another new friend is on my list.

(( again give my friend the credit to help me with this LeonardoLover1106

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