Drunk Buddies

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We were still in the restaurant having a good time eating our dinner. And I was still having that drinking contest with Husker. But on the other hand, I was getting worried for Aqua since she was shedding her scales like crazy. I wasn’t sure if she was dehydrated or if it's stress.

“You okay Aqua?” I asked her.

“Yeah. Maybe it’s just one of those rare days.” she said as she was drinking yet another glass of water.

“Hey Aqua?” Husker tapped Aqua’s shoulder. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I’m fine. Just need to… use the bathroom.” Aqua answered to Husker as she got up.

“Want me to go with your hon?” Angel asked Aqua.

“I’ll be fine Angel. I promise.” she said as she went to the bathroom.

The way she said that to Angel made me get a little bit more worried. But I was also surprised that Husker actually talked with Aqua. I could see it in his eyes that he was worried about her. The thought of it made me smile a bit. But also I was still a little jealous about her friendship with Angel was blossoming more.

“Damn this shit’s really good.” I said as I ended up drinking the good stuff.

The beer made me feel a little lightheaded, just a little not too much. But it was the good stuff, not like the cheap stuff from Husker’s bar.

Everybody was cheering for Husker and I was drinking faster. I was chugging up all my beer bottles while Husker was hiccuping from his drinks. I laughed at him and gulped down some more beer.

I smirked. “Gonna give up old man?”

“I wasn't even fully tipsy yet.” Husker laughed as he gulped down another bottle.

The alcohol was starting to get to me as I kept drinking through the night. I kept drinking and it was getting hot in here. I was trying to control myself since I do get myself a little hyped up especially through the woman areas. It happens especially when I get too drunk.

“Okay guys, I’m back.” Aqua said as she came back from the bathroom.

“Feeling better?” I asked her.

“Yeah. I’m ready for a drink.” she said. Then she ordered a big bottle of liquor.

“Want a glass?” I offered her one.

“Nah. Don’t need one.” she said as she used her claws to open the top of the bottle. Then she started chugging the bottle.

“Whoa!” I laughed. “Go girl!”

Here I am seeing Aqua drinking a whole bottle of liquor all to herself. I was surprised since she's not a drinker. But she did loosen up a little bit tonight and I was proud of her. I was still a little jealous that her friend Angel Dust was there for her the whole night and Husker was really worried about her. I was like really surprised that the grumpy cat cared, not like the first day when I met him.

As we were still drinking, Alastor was beside me and he kept watching me. It felt kind of weird that he keeps stalking and I've noticed that he likes to eavesdrop more.

‘I think I should be his chaperone for now.’ I thought to myself.

“What a jolly good time we’re having~!” Alastor laughed as I saw how many martini glasses were in front of him. He must’ve had at least 15 or 20 of them. He was getting really tipsy tonight.

Everybody at this point was hiccuping from the alcohol.

“Let’s get lit! Whoo!” Aqua said as she was about to climb onto the table. “Whee!”

“Aqua!” Angel said as he pulled her back down.

I laughed and ordered another case of beer and drank that shit up.

“Okay guys. I think we should call it a night.” Charlie said as she paid the tab.

“Dang it. I wanted to drink some more.” I said.

But I looked at Husker to see that he was about to pass out himself. I was the only one kind of sober and I acted like I didn't drink anything. Overall, I drank over 40 bottles of beer while Husker only drank 33 bottles. Now that's weak, which made me the winner of the drinking contest.

“I’m gonna call the limo to pick us up. Looks like you all had a really good time.” Charlie said as she took out her cell phone to call the limo to pick us.

Tonight was pretty interesting because everybody else was quite tipsy except for Charlie and Vaggie. I was thinking that those two don't drink at all, but that's all right with me. After the limo pulled up to us, I ended up carrying Alastor and Nifty to get them inside the vehicle.

“Get inside the car dammit!” Husker said as he was trying to get Aqua in the limo.

She giggled uncontrollably. “No~! I want more~!”

“You’ve had enough! Get inside!”

I was laughing to see how close they were getting. I decided to sneak a picture from my phone. ‘Hehe, I can use this for blackmail later~’ I thought to myself with a smirk on my face.

After Husker managed to get Aqua back inside the limo, we were all heading back to the hotel. It looked like that we all had a good night and we got along so well. I was kind of glad that we were getting closer like a family. Something in my heart told me that I missed having a family. But these guys were my new family, and I loved them with all my heart.

I felt something land on my shoulder and I looked over to see that it was Alastor. I smiled softly at him since he was still pretty drunk. I was also blushing red as well since he looked so handsome up close.

After the limo pulled up to the hotel, I ended up picking Nifty up and Alastor inside the hotel. Everybody else went inside after us.

“That was a good time~” Angel hiccuped and went to his room.

I looked back to see that Aqua was still drunk and she seemed to be flirting on Husker. Husker seemed to be flirting with her back. I swear those two were flirting non-stop with the alcohol in their systems.

I shrugged my shoulders and carried Nifty and Alastor to their rooms for the night. I went to Nifty’s room first and laid her down first. I covered her up and closed her door.

Then I took Alastor to his room and carefully laid him down. After I tucked him in bed, I stepped back for a bit. I looked down at him and he seemed peaceful but I bet he's going to have a hangover in the morning. As I was about to leave, I felt a hand grabbing my wrist. I looked down and realized that it was him, but still asleep. I felt my cheeks warming up while I leaned down and kissed the top of his head.

After the indirect kiss, I pulled away and turned of his light then closed his door. I went to my room for the night, I will say that it was a crazy one for sure. But it was nice that I got to my room. I saw my bed got in my PJs and laid in bed. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, awaiting the next day.

{{ again give good credit to my good friend as usual LeonardoLover1106

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