Shadow Betrayed Powers

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It's been pretty easygoing now that more sinners were checking into the hotel. I was coming out of the kitchen and as always, Nifty was being curious with the world around her. I wanted her to be a friend to me. Just like Angel Dust was to Aqua, but she's not that type of person. I wanted a friend like Aqua, who has someone to talk to. Like girl talk and other things.

I looked over at the lobby couches seeing Aqua and Angel laughing together. I had to admit that I was pretty jealous over their friendship. But I was gonna have to get used to it, Nifty was my only friend for now. We’ll have to get used to each other a bit more.

Speaking of each other, last night with Alastor was amazing. It felt like it was a dream, but it wasn't, it was actually real. Alastor recently asked me out on a date after our intimate time and I was smiling to myself. As I sat down on the couch, I was figuring out what I was going to do today. So I went into my chest fur and took out really interesting book that Charlie gave me.

The book was full of spells and potions. I got really curious on the stuff here in Hell. Especially the potion-making and voodoo stuff that I never heard before. It sounded very interesting and fun, it was something that I wanted to learn. Now that I’m living in Hell, I wanted to learn more about this world.

I saw Nifty sweeping the floor until I tapped her shoulder. “Hey Nifty.”

“Oh hi Rachel!”

“Hey, I was wondering if you wanna go sneak out with me?” I asked her. “I wanna get some ingredients that I wanted to try from this book.” I said as I showed her the book.

“Hmm… okay!”

“Good.” I smiled.

“Let’s meet outside in 20 minutes.” she said as she was sweeping again to finish her work so it didn't look suspicious.

I put the book back into my chest fur and went upstairs to get ready. After I was finished getting ready to go, I walked through the long hallway. And as always, I had that feeling of being watched again. I turned around to see Alastor’s shadow there following me.

“You better leave me alone today.” I told the shadow and went to the lobby. “Damn, I really hate this feeling so much.” I said to myself.

After I saw Nifty at the front door, we snuck away outside so we didn't get caught.

“Alright. We need to go to the Greed Ring to get these special ingredients.” Nifty said as she took out a map of Hell.

It was interesting to see how big Hell really was. There were all kinds of places to explore outside of the hotel. There was the Greed Ring, Lust Ring, and all other undiscovered places I’ve never been to before. I just didn’t understand why I had to be so cooped up in the hotel like this. But I shrugged it off and started walking with Nifty.

~30 minutes later…

“Man, this is a long walk.” I said.

“I’ll say.” Nifty said. “At least you don’t have tiny legs.”

I laughed until I ended up bumping into a sinner.

“Hey! Watch it where you’re going bitch!” he said as he took out a knife.

He was about to stab us and I got upset. I kicked his head clean off his shoulders and saw it rolled off the floor.

“Ooh, that’s gotta hurt.” Nifty said.

I pushed the corpse to the side and saw my boots covered in blood. “That was nothing. Let’s continue on.” I said as I started walking again.

It wasn’t long until Nifty saw the Voodoo Store. “There it is!” she said as her face was right at the glass. “Let’s go in! We can get our palms read.”

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