Chapter Twelve

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HANEUL entered the dining hall as prompted by the staff who had disrupted her outfit styling session with Stylist Ahn

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HANEUL entered the dining hall as prompted by the staff who had disrupted her outfit styling session with Stylist Ahn. At every call of her name, she felt her stomach drop and her palms began to sweat. But when it was a simple reveal of lunch time, she felt instant relief.

Due to the intrusion, she was then wearing a white vest under a white button up shirt, and her grey joggers on the bottoms as they had yet to get far enough to change those into a matching piece. She felt ridiculous, but decided to push her self conscious thoughts aside when she passed other boys in the stylist hallway in similar situations.

"I'll see you after lunch, go and eat," Joohyun promised she would be waiting in the room for her once she was done. She stood in the doorway of her room and gently pushed Haneul out into the hallway. She ignored every claim that Haneul wasn't hungry.

"You wanted this, remember. You need to go mingle with them and look as normally boyish as possible," Joohyun wagged her finger, but the concern laced on her face that she tried her best to hide couldn't fool Haneul.

But she left just as Joohyun urged her, and made her way to the canteen which the signs taped on walls and doors prompted her to go to.

Haneul joined the back of the rather long queue and while growing bored at waiting, she decided to have a quick look around the room to get herself acquainted with her new eating arrangements.

It was nothing like the kitchen she was used to, or the café which she found comfort and solace in. But it was good enough for her needs, and the needs of the other trainees and staff to eat.

On the right side of the room, there were many counters with different types of food. There was national food for those who preferred to eat it, then there was a table of western food with chips etc. for the pickier of eaters.

Haneul nodded her head, impressed by their spread. Then her eyes scanned to the right of the room. She noted the floors were a grey wood, and the walls were white. Simple and easy to reuse for multiple types of purposes.

In the middle of the room, place in neat rows, there were many long white tables with dark blue chairs tucked under. Some tables had boys around them in small or large groups, but the majority of the spaces seemed to be clear for the time being.

It was rare she found someone sitting on his own as her eyes continued to scan the room. And she knew she would be one of those trainees on their lonesome. She wished the staff food time was the same as the trainees, so she could sit with Joohyun. But she knew even if that was the case, Joohyun would throw her to the wolves and make her eat on her own.

She hadn't known the woman long, but she found herself connecting with her rather quickly. She knew she could trust her with her secret.

Haneul sighed, stepping in time with the queue as it moved. When she had dished whatever food she wished to eat onto her tray, she made her way to the drinks station. She poured herself some water, and with her meal all complete, she made her way to the nearest table.

Haneul sat on the end of the table, placing her tray and drink down carefully. She pulled her chair out and sat on it, cringing at how hard the cushions on it were. She decided to push the thought to the back of her mind, the quicker she ate, the sooner she could go back to the comfort of the sofa in the stylist room.

Haneul picked up a spoon to dish some sauce onto her meat, then she paused when a shadow slowly creeped its way on to the space on the table in front her. She looked up, watching as a boy around her age pulled out the chair opposite her. He sat down without so much as a word, four other boys sitting around them. Two beside her, and two beside the boy.

The boys were already styled in their 'uniform'. They wore greyish blue trousers, white shirts, pale blue ties and a matching blazer in the greyish blue colour again. They looked clean cut, professional. Haneul looked down at her joggers and bit the inside of her cheek as her skin flushed.

She looked back up and found the boys all had dark brown or black hair, seemingly natural and undyed. Their hair was styled in varying styles. The boy beside her had wavy, messy hair while the boy opposite her had his hair styled similar to the photo she had seen of her roommate.

She narrowed her eyes, trying to remember if the boy opposite her was her roommate. He looked similar, but it was the eyes she remembered to be different. The boy opposite her had soft and gentle eyes while her roommate, from the photo she had seen, had fierce eyes. Eyes that seemed to scream he would be the top and win, no matter what.

Haneul felt panic set in when she noticed the attention of the boys was on her, and chewed her bottom lip. As if noticing her sudden change in demeanour, the boy opposite her looked at her with a wide smile that could melt the strongest of ice.

"Hi, we are trainees from E2E Entertainment. Is it okay if we sit here with you?" The boy asked, his voice smooth and calming.

Haneul looked around, trying to gain the courage to ask them to sit somewhere else, when the boy beside her spoke up. "We saw you sat on your own and our leader here said he hated the idea of someone starting this place all on their own on the first day. He said we should come over and make friends."

Haneul felt her face heat and nodded slowly. Blending in with the boys she was to live with seemed to be happing much, much smoother than she first expected. "Um, sure. I don't see why not."

And the boys were maying it easier than she thought it would be, too.

The boy opposite her spoke up again. "I'm Son Hyunki. I hope we can be friends and support each other throughout the show."

Haneul could tell he must have been a trainee for a period of time. He held himself with such grace and spoke with elegance. He seemed as if he could debate all on his own as it was, but Haneul had yet to see his skills so maybe there was a hamartia to his beauty.

"I'm Yang Haneul. I'm not linked to any entertainment companies. I'll be routing for you and your group, though," She smiled, then turned her head to offer the same smile to the other boys in attendance.

They all smiled back and nodded their heads before they tucked into their food.

They all smiled back and nodded their heads before they tucked into their food

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