• ONE •

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"through the fire"

Kim Y/n 🌊
The sound of the plate shattering echoed through the kitchen, as I flinched at it, "YOU CALL THIS FOOD HUH?!" My step-dad yelled, making my eyes go teary, he groaned pushing the table, and walking towards me before grabbing my hair.

"Your fucking useless you hear me?!" He yelled, throwing me on the ground, my mother entered the scene, pulling his wrist and trying to stop him, but from here it only got worse.

I screamed, as the whip hit my body, before it finally stopped letting me breathe, I sobbed softly, until i was pulled up by my hair again. "Next time. You feed me shitty food like that. I'll do things you can only have nightmares about." He said, pushing me against the wall and dragging my mom inside the bedroom.

Tears gathered into my eyes, as I grabbed onto my in frustration, crying out until i felt somehow whole and full, but I was scared that it would never happen and that i would be stuck here forever, finally it struck me I was supposed to be in class.

I slowly got up, with the help of the wall, and quickly cleaned myself up changing into oversized clothes, that would somehow hide all the pain.

Grabbing my bag, I sighed, running out of the house.

This was my life, my parents never greeted me with a smile or 'good morning', I was greeted with orders to make food and do their bidding and even sometimes but alcohol. And through all of this. I had no escape, where would I go?

Every Morning I woke up, with a wish to die, and I hope no one saves me.

Running into class, i sat at the back, crossing my arms and looking out the window, thank God the teacher was late, I took out my books, starting to write my notes, I knew deep down that this was the only way I was going to get out of that hell hole.

The teacher came in and started teaching, as I looked outside and then back at the teacher from time to time. Suddenly I felt a paper ball hit my head, i looked at where it came from to see Jaehyun and his girlfriend Hye-ri laugh and chuckle with their friends. I rolled my eyes.

"Assholes.." i mumbled.
The lesson continued normally, which was mostly me trying to avoid those jerks, that tried to get on my nerves.

I sighed, and continued writing.

* ˚ ✦

Jeon Jungkook 🔥
"SON OF A BIT-" my voice drowned, over the sound of my bullets hitting the target, to me, when the bullet hit the wall, it felt as if every ounce of frustration was flowing through my body into those bullets and out.

I threw my gun in rage, running my fingers through my hair, "I can't believe Jay would do that! I trusted him!" I yelled, as Mingyu stepped forward. "Calm down Hyung. We will get him back-" "I want to get back at him now." I said, making Mingyu raise his eyebrows, "hyung you cant-"

"Ofcourse I can. I'm Jeon Jungkook, get me Jay" I said, as Mingyu gulped, "he's not in Seoul he went back to Ddaegu" he said, I clenched my jaw, why the fuck was everything so hard today? I sat on the couch. "Those paintings were worth over a hundred million, I shouldn't have been so careless" I put my hand on my head.

"His daughter, Hari studies in college here." Mingyu said, as I looked up at him. "Perfect. Get my men ready. We have a revenge to take." I said, walking out, as Mingyu nodded.

Nobody crosses me.

I loaded my gun, putting in behind me. As we walked into the principles office. "What the- who are-" i cut the principal off, I took off my glasses, making the principal gulp. "M-Mr Je-Jeon" he stuttered, oh how I love fear.

I pulled the chair, sitting down, as he stood up, bowing to me. "W-whats the problem?" He asked, as I chuckled. "One of your students has a moron father that's what" I said, making my awkwardly chuckle.

"We want Yu Hari" I said, as he quickly nodded, calling someone to inform them to bring Hari, I leaned back, when suddenly we heard a scream from outside, bullets followed.

Shit. I knew exactly who it was. Kang Joonho, that mother fucker is just jealous of me, which is why he wants to kill me, but what bothered me most now, was this was an educational centre, he's killing innocent lives instead of mine. Which made me mad.

I walked out, as the fire alarms turned on, Mingyu Ran to me. "There's a fire in the cafeteria, one of these morons shot the gas cylinder on accident!" He yelled, trying to overpower the sound of the alarm.

"Fuck!" I yelled, loading my gun. "There is alot of bodies hyung, let's get you safety" Mingyu said trying to drag me, as I pulled away. "Were saving them! This is our fight as well!" I said, running towards the cafeteria, coughing as the smoke came in contact with me.

The fire was spreading quick, walking in I helped everybody out making sure I wasn't seen or caught or worse, shot. I was about to leave since the fire had spread way too much. When I heard a scream. "HELP! PLEASE!" I kept hearing.

I looked back groaning and turning back to go inside.

* ˚ ✦

Kim Y/n 🌊
I screamed, as the ceiling fell down, we were just sitting in class, when it all happened so fast, we heard bullets and then an explosion, we tried to evacuate but the shooters had caught us, and I got caught in this fire.

Everytime I was trying to leave it kept getting worse and my fear for fire wasn't making it anymore better, everytime I saw it, it only reminded me of how my father died, how he cried for help during the fire, and i couldn't do anything.

My mind was blank, as flashbacks came into my head, I blamed myself. My life was bad because of me. All i wanted to do was die but now that it's come to that, I knew how much I wanted to live. I tried to run, but there was fire everywhere. "HELP PLEASE!"

I cried, trying to shield myself, before curling up behind a small counter, accepting my fate, before I was shaken, "get up!" He yelled, as I stared at his face, his mask slipped off, as he looked around, through the fire, I stared at him his features.

His eyes,
His lips, the way he was panicking,
My eyes landed on his tattoos,
The tiger Lily, it was my favourite flower.

he then easily picked me up, helping me out but it felt like there was no fire around us.

That's when I realised.

I wanted to live.

I couldn't die.
Not today.
Not now.

🍓: I'm so sleepy, idndnddjd

Until next time~
-Ava <3

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