~ Epilogue ~

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🌊:They say a villain, is a person who loves destruction and Chaos. Anything that gives them power excites them.

My Jungkook was a different kind of  villain, he cherished peace and harmony but there were a lot to cause destruction and Chaos.

And I'm happy that I'm marrying him. He was hesitant and first so..after talking and talking and talking..he finally proposed.

🔥: My Mother calls it the Bluefire marriage. Where I'm this hot handsome ball of fire, with steam coming out of ears apparently.

And my beautiful calm serene, psycho wife is the blue ocean isn't she?

🌊: I'm not psycho

🔥: that's what they all say.

"Your ruining my book about us" she complained, watching the past lines they had created, as he smiled. "Why? It looks cool ya know grumpy x sunshine" he said, as she rolled her eyes.

"I'm not letting our kids read some Smutty-" she was cut off by him kissing her. "Speaking of smut. I would like to" he kissed her again, messing up her lipstick.

"What if I say no?" She asked as he chuckled. "Shut up and be my butterfly yeah?" He said, slapping her butt as she gasped.

"Spread those leg- in mean wings butterfly" he said, as she hit him making him laugh.

"I love you butterfly."
"I love you more Mr Jeon."
🌷: feels like one of the best FFS I can do and have ever written- I'm so sad it's over I might make a season two?

Thank you for all your comments and support! Even for the new followers I'm so glad that you guys like what I put on here~ and yeah! I love you sm sm!

I hope you've had a great day, and I hope you enjoyed this story.

Have a good day! Take care and stay safe <3

Until next time~
-Ava <33

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