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"love brings fear"

The sound of the wheels rolling against the marble tiles echoed the halls of the hospital as the wheeled y/n in the emergency room, stopping Jungkook from. going further, as he yelled and protested. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!" He said clearly frantic, as Namjoon pulled him away and made him sit down.

"Jungkook! You need to get patched up okay?!?" He yelled trying to get Jungkook in his senses. As a nurse attended to them slowly taking care of Jungkook, who wouldn't even let her touch him much.

He suddenly got up walking out, "where's my y/n? How is she?" He kept asking the doctors, he growled in frustration, picking up the doctor from the ground. "If anything happens to her. I'll grind your meat and feed you to my wolves" he said as the doctor shivered and ran inside again.

He sat outside, tapping his foot nervously on the ground, as Yoongi sat beside him, noticing a presence, he quickly wiped his tear, as the others sat infront of him.

"It's okay to feel Jungkook." Yoongi said, as Jungkook put his hands on his face, "she was the one person that brought hope into my life. A hope that...even I could be loved" he admitted, as the group listened.

"She made me feel human. She has her own stupid dumb ways of doing it" he said, as Jin laughed. "I still remember, she knitted a sweater for me and said it was too big, turns out it was too small, but she made it again because she said I looked good in it" he said, making the others chuckle.

"Her pancakes are the best though, your kids are gonna be lucky, having that every morning" Hobi said, making Jimin laugh, "I still remember how excited she was for the trip" he said.

"Don't forget how they almost kissed" Taehyung said, as Jungkook finally broke down into tears, sobbing. The others were shocked to see him display so much of emotion. They had always seen touch big bad Jungkook.

Now he was a man. A man craving for love, trying to fight for a love that made his monster like persona, human.

She made him human, and now he was so vulnerable, not even knowing if he was going to lose all of that. And blaming himself for it.
"She's stable..she might wake up in a few hours thank gosh the dagger didn't go all the way through." Jennie said, smiling, as Jungkook bursted into Y/ns room, sitting beside her bed.

And held her hand. His heart breaking seeing so many things connected to her, he held her hand slowly, giving it a small kiss. As he watched her breath slowly.

"I'll wait for you butterfly."
"Tiger lillies! My favourite" she smiled, as he chuckled. "I know." He said, leaning down as she kissed his cheek. "Okay now open y/n" his mother said, as y/n drank the soup.

"Eomma your forcing her" Jungkook said, hugging y/n, "no! I love this" she said, making them chuckle. "Ya know y/n. The day you for stabbed, Jungkook was cry-" Jin stopped halfway, since his eyes came in contact with Jungkooks.

"He was what?" Y/n asked, as Jin shook his head. "I- um forgot" he said, as Jungkooks mother sighed, "ahh whatever now all of you follow me come help me get y/ns stuff she said, as they nodded and followed her out.

Y/n chuckled, "so..you cried huh?" She asked, as he sighed, rolling his eyes. "Something went in my eye and that's what it was for. They're just exaggerating" he said, making her laugh and him smile, as she hugged him.

He pulled away immediately kissing her, making her laugh, as he picked her up. "I'm so happy your okay butterfly" he said, making her smile, "how cute of you Mr Jeon" she teased him making him chuckle, "well I try to be extra cute for you Mrs Joen." He said, as she gasped.

"Woahhh Mrs Jeon huh?" She said, as he picked her up, slowly, making sure not to hurt her.

"I'm never letting you go ever again" he said.
"You don't have to. Cause I'm not leaving." She said.

🥺 The end-
The Epilogue is next!!!

Until next time~
-Ava <33

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