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Pinellia novel

Chapter 83 Shredded Sweet Potato

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Previous chapter: Chapter 82 Do roasted sweet potatoes taste good?

Next chapter: Chapter 84 Practice it!

Chapter 83: Shredded Sweet Potato

Bai Yaoyao imagined what the ginseng essence looked like, and then looked at the mutated sweet potato in front of her, feeling that it should look almost the same.

It's not that big, about the size of an adult's fist, but it looks very smart.

Although it had no eyes, the mutated sweet potato could clearly sense Bai Yaoyao's position and controlled many branches and leaves to attack Bai Yaoyao.

Bai Yaoyao pretended to be defeated and retreated, but actually found an opening, teleported in front of the mutated sweet potato, and sprinkled a handful of spring water.

The mutated sweet potato thought it was an attack method and hurriedly dodged away. Then, it was suddenly attracted by the strong energy. The whole sweet potato was immediately stunned.

He reacted belatedly and quickly used his body to catch the spring water.

What Bai Yaoyao was waiting for was now, cutting off as many branches and vines as possible in two sections of space.

Then he teleported to the mutated sweet potato, grabbed its head, and pulled it hard. The sound of various branches breaking was instantly heard.

If the mutated sweet potato had a mouth and could talk, I would really want to curse right now!

We are both mutated creatures, can you be more polite and gentle? Why are you just pressing your head and pulling me hard! The leaves are almost gone!

Bai Yaoyao originally wanted to take the mutated sweet potato back into space, but failed. This should be because the mutated sweet potato was desperately resisting.

Bai Yaoyao felt that she suddenly figured it out. Then... would she not be able to resist if she fainted?

So he dragged the mutated sweet potato and teleported out of the encirclement, first threw Xiao Wai out of the pit, and then asked Xiao Wai to fish him out.

In the dark night, the others were relieved when they saw Bai Yaoyao come out, but what did Sister Yaoyao have in her hand?

Bai Yaoyao pulled the branches of the mutated sweet potato, raised his hands above his head, smashed it toward the ground, and then closed the space.

fail! Keep going! Smash it! receive! fail!

Keep going! Smash it! receive!

Hey! Success!

I don’t know how many times I smashed it, until the skin of the sweet potato almost fell off before I successfully regained the space.

After the mutated sweet potato was returned to the space, the sweet potato branches and vines in the ground seemed to have run out of supplies. After being cut off, they could no longer attack.

Everyone also saw the hope of victory. As if they had been injected with chicken blood, a series of superpowers were thrown at the sweet potatoes everywhere.

It didn't take long for everything to be cleaned up. Apart from the mess on the ground and being slightly ugly, there was no danger anymore.

Meng Qilin could see clearly that it was precisely because Bai Yaoyao eliminated the humanoid mutant sweet potato that the mutant sweet potatoes all over the ground lost their ability to regenerate.

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