sunny bliss

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The moon peeked behind the tree in our backyard and shined in the side window. The sheer curtain let in the light so peacefully as its reflection sat on the carpet. Everything around us was more of a deep velvet blue instead of a black. The red numbers projected on the wall behind us read 11:30pm. The day was over and we finally had our quiet time.

I rolled over on my side and grabbed a pillow to jam between my legs. I had been doing that since the 8th grade and 3 kids and a husband later, it was still my preferred position. I then felt a familiar warmness fill my back and a cream colored arm sling over my waist. He pulled me into his chest and held me close as he did most nights. Our breathing became in sync.
Warm lips met my neck and made a trail down to my shoulders. What I loved about Ben was that I didn't have to respond. He put his huge palm over my chest and could feel my heart race a bit faster. My heart rate and goosebumps let him know that he could still make me nervous and that always made him feel loved.

But tonight was different--i shifted my body until my face met his and his blue crustal eyes lit up and smiled back at me. His hands traveled up to my caramel brown cheeks and our lips met. Small gestures like these are what keep our fire alive. His hands then got tangled in my hair. He loves to pull my springy natural curls and watch them spring back. Before we knew it a small knock came at out door.

"Moooommmy" it whined quietly. Ben held his embrace and called out groggily "come Marci". A tiny girl appeared at the door who came just above the doorknob. Her legs still had access baby fat that covered her cheeks. Her round chubbed face looked exhausted. Her deep blue eyes looked worried. She quietly closed the door behind her and ran towards the king sized bed. She used her spongebob steps tool to get herself up. She then climbed over the sheets and our legs.

She sat on her knees with a face of defeat. Her curly brown hair was dismantled out of the long single braid I put it in before bedtime. Her hair tie was gone leaving her blonde tips to hang freely.
" I can't sleep" she cried rubbing her eyes. Ben broke his embrace and shifted to a sitting position. He held out his fatherly arms and Marci jumped in them. He cradled her slowly as her eyes were slowly closing. I pushed her top hairs back to kiss her forehead. She was the perfect mix of us- her permanent golden brown tone that looked as it was perfectly kissed by the sun. Her slightly browned tone framed her huge blue eyes that were replicas of Ben's. Her full lips were mine. When Ben held her I couldn't help but smile. he can go from boss, to husband to father in split seconds and I admired that.

I felt guilty when Marci would wake up in the middle of the night. Her night terrors mirrored mine at that age. I had a history of nightmares and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Night after night of events that made me scream and shed tears in my sleep it became emotionally exhausting and alot for a 6 year old to handle. The fact that my own daughter is suffering breaks my heart. I slowly grew out of it and I can only pray she grows out of it faster.

Before I knew it, I was greeted with another day- The sun peaked out of the sheer curtains. To my surprise Marci wasn't in our bed. Just me and a snoring 6 foot 2 man with his arms lazily wrapped around my waist. I smiled at the sight.His lips were parted sucking in and letting out a good amount of air. Small amounts of crust were forming in the corner of his eyes. His blonde curls were dismantled and he looked at total peace. I ran my hands through his soft hair and he slowly opened his eyes. His crystal blue eyes met mine and he smiled.

"Did you put Marci back to bead?" I asked tiredly. He smiled and narrowed his eyes suspiciously. He turned me on my back and I was staring at him hovering over my body. He lowered his head and nuzzled into my neck. he started planting kisses that would linger making me moan. "they are at pa's house for the day" he said out of breath. "so we have the house to ourselves for the entire day" he smiled. Before I could finish my usual interrogation his lips were on mine while he was slowly removing my underwear.

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