i know your type

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One week later


Is it bad to say I was a bit relieved to know Mimi had taken Lauren with her? I wouldn't have to worry about her smuggling more money from me, or cheating on me, or hurting people I love. I could take off this ring and throw it away for good. I sat in bed alone with my mind, alone with my thoughts. Every so often I would glance at my phone seeing if Tori would call. When Marci was discharged she promised me she would call today. At 8pm. But the time is now 8:20. I sighed in defeat. I didn't know why I liked her so much and why she couldn't seem to stand me. I decided to occupy myself with some tv, with the idea that she would never call me.

I didn't notice think like a man put me to sleep until I awoke to my phone sounding off. There, in white letters was the name I was looking for Tori.. without hesitation I picked up the phone like an eager child. "Tori?" I asked eager to hear her voice. "Sorry, " she sniffled a bit before she continued. "I got caught up in some things what's up" she asked a bit sad. "Are you alright?" I asked a bit worried. I could tell she had been crying. About what I didn't know. "I just...uh nothing I'm fine I promise." She tried to reassure me. I could sense her need for someone but the question was would she let me in. "Do you want me to come over and talk about it?" "No!" She said so quickly. "No-no no need ...how about I come there?" She asked, and of course i agreed.

An hour later a beaut was in my penthouse stuffing her face with my pizza rolls. I laughed at the sight of her sitting across from me on the island. Roll after roll she chewed, cracking jokes here and there. I didnt mind this side of her but I knew something was off. When she finally finished she caught me staring at her. She covered her face with a slight chuckle. "Sorry...i swear I'm not always like this" "don't be sorry, I like actually seeing a woman besides Tina eat" I said with a little laugh. Woman never really ate with me. I thought it was weird. If they did, they always ate a salad. The only girl I had ever seen eat were my cousins and Tina. Tina could eat- she was never ashamed and I liked that. I sensed a bit of uncomfortableness from her as she started messing with her fingers. I decided it was all or nothing.

"What happened?" I asked her. She hesitated, "just another no good guy....i don't know why I keep trying." She started running her hands up and down the granite countertop as she was thinking."I'm sorry...i don't really know what to say" she laughed and stood up now looking at me face to face. "It's alright. I don't expect u to" she walked to the front door but I didn't want her to leave. Hot on her trail I thought of something to make her stay "but I know the guy was a dumbass to let such a smart gorgeous woman walk out of his life" I said. She stopped right in her tracks with her hand on the door knob. She turned around to me with tears starting to spill over. I went in to console her but she put her hand up to stop me. I took a couple steps back giving her space.

"I know your type." She said to me now shaking her head."my type?" I asked a bit confused. She rolled those big brown eyes of hers and looked at her feet. "Play a girl like a piano....so beautifully too. But not because you care...not because you want a future with her or for her to be happy. It's all for sex. Another notch on your belt another conquest!" She said to me now slightly screaming. She stepped away from the door and out of my presence. I wasn't really sure how to react to that. I had always been a player but I never thought of myself as hurting anyone in the process. But instead of letting her speak, my ego was getting the best of me. "Who said I even wanted to have sex with you? You arnt even my type" I said now instantly regretting the words that came out of my mouth. "Good! Because you definitely arnt my type either. Gosh your so full of yourself! I thought you might be slightly different but.....but I guess I was wrong. You are just like them all. And just to think I thought you might be like Ben-" she said now getting visibly upset.

Mimi (BWWM)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora