dreams, nightmares ,and memories

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I jerked up out of my sleep in a strong sweat. My t-shirt was now damp as I wiped my forehead and ran my fingers through my hair. I hadnt noticed how long it was getting...I was surprised Tina hadnt forced me to go get a hair cut. I waited until my breathing leveled off. Taking deep breaths i didnt notice Tinas small hands wrapping around my torso. She pulled my shirt off from behind and rubbed my back by running her nails up and down my skin. 

"it was just a dream Ben its okay" she said softly calming me down a bit. This had been our 4th night at the cottage and my sleep was getting worse. I started dreaming of all the ridiculous things that could happen if Mimi found us. It was nice to know that Tina was right beside me when I woke up for my nightmares, but I feel as if im a new baby she has to take care of and thats not fair to her. "im sorry pumpkin I...." I couldnt finish my sentence before tears rolled down my face, I didnt know what was happening to me. I was becoming a blubbering mess-crying more than usual.

"oh no-Ben...sweetheart its okay" she comforted me. She straddled my waist and wrapped her arms around my neck. My arms instinctively snaked around her small waist and I held her tight.  She rested her head on my shoulder and started raking her hands through my hair. Our breathing started to match and I placed a kiss on her neck. i love you I whispered to her. She broke our embrace to stare into my eyes. Her big brown orbes were so deep and still so mysterious to me. Her tiny purple tanktop came flying off over head letting her hershey kiss nipples free. Before i could get hard she pressed her mounds against my chest so our body heat could make contact with each other. 

I lowered us to the bed and held on to her tight. Before i new it i was out.

Tina Pov.

I started hearing his soft snores in my ear-I knew he finally went back to sleep. body to body always helped him relax and Im glad this time it put him to sleep. I slowly peeled my body away from his and rolled over to my side of the bed. His big body flopped over to his side and his hulk like arm anchored me by my waist. He pulled me into his chest. I lifted my head slightly to get a view of the red numbers on the night stand. 5:15AM it read. I took a deep breath and settled into the warmth of his body and finally drifted back to sleep. 

*Ben dreaming flashback*

Tina rolled off of me after riding me better than any girl has ever. I thought with my length she would be more stretched but every time we got together her pussy seemed to get tighter and tighter. I was always trying to hold off on me nutting to quick. She took a breather than picked up her phone that was now on the floor buried between her clothes. "well. ill see you later" she said with no emotion or feeling. She rose from the bed and started to dress herself . "wait wait where are you going?" i said propping myself up on my elbows. I watched as her face still held no emotion and how quickly her little body moved. "home? where else would i go ben?" she answered to me looking for something. 

She must have decided against it and she slipped her leggings on without the black lace thong she had the hour before. I laughed a bit remembering I hid them for keepsake. Ive never kept a girls underwear before-it would make me seem like I actually cared. "what the hell are you laughing at?!" she semi yelled at me. When she got mad something about it turned me on and my member agreed. "nothing...nothing at all....but...didnt you have panties when you got here?" I asked half heartedly teasing her. She rolled those big doughy eyes of hers and answered "i figured you kept them as some kind of trophy like you probably do all of the girls you fuck." I dont know why that stung because lets face it, I got around. 

"okay one," i started as i rose from the bed looking for my boxers "i do not have trophies of panties from the whores i have fucked in the past". Something in her eyes instantly changed. she walked over to me and stared up in my eyes with anger. Before i could fathom what was about to happen, her small carmel hand came flying at my face and made a loud contact with my cheek. I was so taken back by this action-not understanding what I did to make her mad. "WHAT THE FUCK TINA!" i screamed at her holding my cheek. "how fucking dare you call us whores! I AM NOT A WHORE!" she screamed back at me. I shook my head trying to recover from that blow. For such a tiny petite girl she had a huge amount of power behind that blow to my face. 

" I never said you were a whore???? what the hell are you talking about?" I said walking over to the other side of the room where she was now standing. I took her her arms and pinned them to the wall. "GET OFF OF ME NOW" she screamed in my face. "no you are going to calm down before you leave here babe" I said as calmly as possible. I didnt know what it was with this girl but her quick temper and her attempts to whip me in shape were so different from any girl I had ever been interested in. usually I called the shots, and the girl followed-but Tina is another story. 

she started laughing which creeped the shit out of me "BABE?! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU CALLING BABE?! ben get off of me...now." she said in a venomous tone. I let go of her and she stood staring up at me with a scowl on her face. "look here 'big ben'" she said air quoting my name. "i, am not your whore. i am not the bitch you call up when you want to nut. YOU are the whore this time. you are the one sticking your dick in anything that walks and talks-you are the one having sex with a different girl every other day! so get your shit together before you step to me every again got it?" she shoved me back a little bit and proceeded to get her things from the piles of clothing all over the old wooden floor. 

I stood stunned at her words. i couldnt even respond. As she stood in the wooden door frame she turned around to me "i dont want my underwear back-i have no way of knowing if its really mine or not. I will call you when I need something" and with that she was gone. I stood with my eyes wide with confusion. Why did I not protest? Why didnt i  yell back at her and tell her to leave? Since when do i let the girl tell me what to do?! I was so deep in thought I didnt see Jack come in. "dude what happened to you? you look like you just saw a ghost" he commented. he stepped over the piles of clothing all over the floor and slumped on his bed. "she just left...she gave me a mouth full and just left......" i said to him still soaked in confusion. I explained everything that just happened. How she slapped me, how she basically told me I was her bitch and how I didnt even protest it, how she left with the last word and I had nothing to say. 

"dude....i think you might be falling for her" jack said with a terrified look on his face. "you better break it off with her before you fall so hard you cant get back up"he said rummaging through his backpack for something. "its senior year! and if you get with 4 more girls you will have the house record of 85 girls! dont fuck this up with one girl! shes too smart for you anyways dude" 

"excuse me?" I asked a bit taken back at his words. jack continued "shes not like all the other girls we usually get with dude-shes not after money, you money means shit to her shes not going to stay because you are rich and she certainly doesnt want to be a house wife." he said as a matter of factly. I forgot jack and tina used to be pretty good friends freshman year. They were on the same floor and grew pretty close. Once jack rushed they werent as close but i guess he still remembered some things about her.  "dude-you wont be able to whip her thats for sure. None of the guys on the floor was doing her and she still called literally all of the shots 100% of the time" I sat down on my bed with my head in my hands not really able to think of why she had this hold on me....was I in love with her? she was nothing but an ass to me really i dont know why i would be falling for a girl that is just using me for my dick.  "would if i want her to take control?" i asked before i could process what I just said. Jack laughed "i guess someone is pussy whipped...good luck". 

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