daddy duty

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"Come on Marc,i please sit still."  I pleaded with her. I had only gotten through 4 braids and not even half of her head was done. I wanted to be finished by the time Tina  decided to make her way down stairs to clean up but at this point I dont think it will happen.

"no daddy mommy does my hair with this" she said holding up a light blue wide tooth comb. I smacked my face. Every time I did Marci's hair I always forget which combs to use, or which products. Ill never forget the first time I saw Tina's hair product collection and how confused I was, or the first time I did Marci's hair. It was hands down the hardest thing I had ever learned. I didnt know hair could do half of the things Tina did to hers. 

"your right honey I forgot-thank you" I said taking the comb for her. She smiled her big Tina smile and sat down on the floor with her tablet. I started parting her locks of hair and pinning them  in different sections like Tina taught me. The more I do this the easier it seems to get. I try really hard not to pull on her hair the way Tina does. She tells me she isnt tender headed and honestly I still have yet to find out that that means.

An hour later i'm all done-all her braids are in place and she is ready for bed. She gets up and yarns and rubs her eyes. I scoop her up in my arms and her legs dangle from above. I carry her upstairs into her room and tuck her in. Once shes in I stare at her a bit resting peacefully. I can only remember when she was such a tiny baby and how proud I was. Remembering that chilling note I found earlier made me glance over to the window. Staring outside my heart gained speed as I felt a presence there. The hairs on my neck stood straight up and the trees started dancing outside to the wind. 

I jumped when I felt hands on my lower back and then a hand covering my mouth. All of that to see Tina staring at me wide eyed and her other finger to her mouth telling me to keep quiet. I let  out a breath as she grabbed my hand and lead me out of the room. She closed the door behind her and pulled me along into our bedroom. Once I closed the door she let go of my arm and stared at me. I stared back into her yes-they were filled with horror and confusion. I walked over to her and placed my hands on the side of her face and cradled her. She put her hand on mine and looked up at me with a lone tear making its way down her cheek.

"I dont have a good feeling tonight all.." she said looking me straight in the eye. Unfortunately I had the same feeling. The leery feeling I got while viewing the forest in Marci's room was a bit alarming. I didnt want to scare her more than she obviously was. I kissed her forehead and smelled the cantu residing in her hair. I kissed her one more time and laid my forehead against hers. "lets go to sleep, we will be okay"  I said trying to calm both her nerves and mine. We snuggled close-she and I facing each other and my arms wrapped around tightly. She tangled her legs with mine as if she didnt want the wind to blow her away from me. We havent slept like this since college and it brought back blissful memories. 

"hey" I said as I stepped into her apartment. She gave me a little smile and stepped aside to let me in. I knew she had called me for sex but something was off with her day. her eyes held something so foreign I couldnt bring myself to doing her and leaving-even if thats what she wanted. Once she closed the door her top came flying off but I stopped her. "Whoa whoa tinker hold on a second" I said picking her shirt up from the floor. I handed it her and she gave me this disoriented look. "I know you want sex but I really cant do this anymore" I said looking  down at my overly worn timbs. She slipped her powerpuff girl tee back over her head and said "ohhhh i get found a prettier girl that fits your look right?" she said so sure of herself. Her hands were now on her hips and to my surprise she didnt look mad...did she want me gone? I thought to myself. "no? no...I dont have another girl i'm fucking Tina so just calm down" iIsaid a bit on the defensive side. 

"You are lying" she said as she came up to me chest to chest. "excuse me?" I ask looking down at her. "you.are.lying." she said poking me in the chest with each word. I grabbed her hand and held it in mine. With confusion she snatched it out of mine and walked away from me. She went over to the counter where slices of granny smith apples were residing. "Well if you dont want to fuck, then bye?" she said in a dismissing tone as she shoved an apple slice in her mouth. 

"No? i'm not going anywhere" I said as I walked over to the bar stool next to her. I sat down and put my arm around the back of her chair. She looked at me through the side of her eye. "what are you doing" she asked hardly looking at me. "I just want to talk this time. Im not giving you a chance to run from me" I said staring at the side of her face. She looked down at her other apple slices deep in thought. After a couple of seconds she asked "why? why do you want to just talk? we had a deal" she said still not looking at me. "well I want out of the deal" I said turning her face towards mine. She chuckled. "Found yourself a better girl to do hmm? is your bet up? did you win the 50$?" she asked me smugly.

"What bet are you talking about?" I asked extremely confused. She got up out of her seat and started laughing at me. "you should go" she said walking to the door. This infuriated me. I didn't know why her dismissing me was making me angry. She hasn't been giving me a chance to get close to her and I really want to get closer to her. "can you tell me what bet you are talking about...please?" I asked trying not to get angry. "Your 'who can fuck a black girl' one Ben THAT one" she said getting angry. "huh?!" I asked super confused, I had never taken a bet like that, the guys hadn't never either. But then it hit me- what she was talking about "you mean get with the tri delt slut?" I asked correcting her. she scowled at me walking away from the door. I went over to close it and stood there watching her movements. "can we talk?" I asked her again raising my voice. "there is nothing to talk about Ben" she said sitting down on the blue velvet couch. "can we talk about us? what we are? what THIS is?" I said moving my hands between us both.

"There is no us?!'' she said now standing up confused. "well....can there be?" I asked looking down at my feet. There was no answer for a little bit and she started pacing in front of me. " actually why." she asked still pacing the floor in front of me. "because I like you? and I would like to maybe settle down? I dont know Tina its senior year and " I started babbling on and on about why I wanted to be with her. I never knew half of the reasons I listed until now. I just knew there was something about her I didn't want to let walk out of my life. Before I knew it she was coming up to me and covering my mouth with her little hands. "Ben okay..okay" she says finally lowering her hand from my mouth. 

"I dont trust you honestly" she said with her arms crossed. My heart started pumping out of my chest as I felt a bit defeated. "But.. I dont see the harm I guess..unless you fuck another bimbo. Do that and never look my way again" she said pointing up at me. I felt elated and picked her up in a huge bear hug. She started to yarn and I glanced at her frog clock watching us on the wall. The time was 1:30 am and she had a class the next morning. "come on" I said as I walked into her room. 

No sex happened that night. Just the best sleep Ive had in months. she tangled her little legs in mine and I pulled her close to me locking my arms around her. I kissed her forehead before I was then engulfed with darkness.  

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