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"I love you" he said as he kissed me on my forehead. I looked up into his worried blue eyes. I wasn't a fan of letting him fight this battle alone. But I knew he was right. I had to let him take control..even if it killed me. "I love you too" I sighed as I kissed him back softly. He pulled my light blue shirt over my head and brushed away some of the loose hairs in my bun. "I promise you this won't take long" he tried to reassure me. All I wanted is my baby back- it had been two days with not even knowing where she was and it was killing me.

Ben held my hand as we walked out on the private runway where a black suave suv sat waiting for me to join my first two babies. "dont miss me too much" he said as I buckled up. I chuckled a bit at his humor at such a dark time. "I think the real concern is you missing me too much" I said winking at him. I love you he mouthed to me and shut the big black door. Before he walked off I frantically hit the window button and I stuck my hand out to him. He took it and brought it to his lips. "I love you too"


As the car drove off, a part of me was driving away with her. This is one of the only times she has ever let me control a situation and honestly I was scared. I was scared Mimi might find them, I was scared I might find my little girl dead. Nasty thoughts started creeping up my spine when my phone brought me out of the dark hole I was getting sucked into. "yeah?" I asked a bit irritated. "is she on her way?" Ryan asked from the other line. "yea dude they are on their way so in a bout an hour they should get there." I answered kicking the pebble sitting right next to my shoe. "alright. I'll meet you in 10" he said ending the conversation.

My mind was running 1000 miles an hour. My hands became sweaty and my grip on the wheel became almost a plea to myself to calm down. This was going to be one of my biggest battles yet-saving my own daughter. My company was an undercover agency-we facilitated searches and seizes of abducted children. I had  killed a couple of people with my bare hands- ive ordered so many more killings of the sickening people that abducted and hurt kids I had lost count. This time I was ready to do it with my bare hands, I could care less if its my own mother. I remember when Tina first found out I was doing these undercover missions-that I was command of all of them. I had lied to her for years about my job and I can only be so thankful she didn't leave me.

"Im going to work pumpkin" I yelled through the loft not really knowing where she was. She came running down the spiral black stairs with a paint brush in hand a large dab of peach paint on the side of her face. "your going into the office?" she asked curiously. A stray curl fell on her face and I moved it out the way to plant a kiss on her smooth carmel forehead. "yep-ill be back tonight" "alright I have to observe a surgery today so I probably won't be back till late" she answered. She kissed me softly and sensually and I felt even more guilty pulling away. I was about to admit to her my actual job but she was up the stairs already. I sighed and closed the door behind me.

As I walked down the stairs out of our penthouse, my phone started ringing. Jake was waiting on the other line with another case.

Back at the apartment...

Tina pov

As I slipped on my shoes there was a knock at the door. I took a look at the time and it was only 5:15-Ben wouldn't be home for another two hours.... I peeked through the peephole to see two men in black suits standing. Their sunglasses kept there identities behind their masks and the curled wire making its way out of their heads screamed dignified human beings. "Benjamin Baker?" one of the men said knocking again. Confused why they were looking for Ben I opened the door with my head cocked in confusion. the larger man had long blonde hair pulled into a bun. His sharp nose looked as if it could slice a piece of cake and his really thin pink lips opened to start talking.

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