master plan

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bens pov

I woke up with a lean arm wrapped around my waist. Her slender brown fingers rested under my wife beater. Her short legs were intertwined with mine under the large white fabric that covered the bed and her wild hair was disheveled. Her face looked at total peace and I couldnt help but smile. I ran my fingers over her small button nose then to her plump lips. Her lips curled into a faint smile as her eyes opened slowly. Her big brown orbs met mine and we stared into each other eyes while i played with a stray curl flying out of her pineapple. I always wondered why she called that hairstyle the pineapple. She always put her hair in that style when it was time to sleep- but I wonder a lot of things about her hair. . 

She snuggled more into my chest and pressed her nose against the middle of my chest. I pulled her closer and took a deep breath. She looked up at me and started playing with the light stubble moving in on my chin. I wish we could stay this way forever-but I knew today would be a hard one. The pattering rhythm against our window sill seemed to symbolize the agony that would come.

The conversation needed to be had in more depth and precautions needed to be taken, not only for the kids sake but for Tinas sake as well. The past few days she has been avoiding the talk and acting as if my devil of a mother hadn't shown her face. When Tina tries to avoid the darkness in life, she takes on tasks she hates. Her cleaning mode has been on overdrive and yesterday, I had to physically pry away her fingers from the dish rag and throw her over my shoulder to get her upstairs to bed. And I know its eating her alive because i had to bathe her yesterday.

Dont get me wrong I love to bathe my baby but shes such an independent woman that when she becomes dependent, my radar goes off and my worry for her is put into overdrive. 

She started placing kisses along my jaw line pulling me out of my thoughts. I reluctantly pulled away so I wouldnt get sucked into her spell. The strongest power Tina has over me are her lips .When she would plant those soft plump pedals anywhere on my body I would instantly become putty in her hands. Ive learned that pulling away is the best way for me to control myself but even pulling away from those luscious lips of hers doesn't stop me from becoming hypnotized. 

I sat up and pushed my body back against the plush gray headboard. I didnt know how I would start this conversation with those big dark brown eyes staring back at me but I would find a way.

Tina POV

Ben ran his big callus hands through his thick blonde hair and I could tell he was thinking. He stretched out his arm for me and a gladly made myself at home in his arms. I rested my head on his bare shoulder and laid my short legs across his as I waited for his chest to start vibrating. 

"Honey bee".. he started warily which caught my attention immediately. Ben only calls me honey bee when hes about to say something that is going to make me extremely uncomfortable. I tried to break out of his grasp but his arms secured around my small body tightly. "no-we are talking about this now it has to be done" he continued in his boss voice. "we have to take more action to make sure the kids are safe" he breathed. I looked up at him with my gaze meeting his concerned blue eyes.

I broke out of his embrace and sat indian style in front of him. I took a deep breath before I began. "i agree-maybe change up their schedule, let them stay at friends houses just change everything up to throw her off" i thought out loud to him. I couldnt keep eye contact as I reverted my attention to my hands. I started fiddling with my wedding ring and rotating it around my finger. Two large cream colored hands engulfed mine stopping me from distracting myself. "look at me Tina" he said in a soft tone. I slowly lifted my head and looked at him through my lashes.An unsure feeling flashed through my body as he took my chin and lifted it to his head level. He placed a soft warming kiss on my lips and said "we need to decide how we are going to keep you safe too"

The saltwater filled to the brim of my eyes and spilled over like Niagara falls. The more I tried to stop it, the harder the waves of emotion came pouring down my skin watering each pore. Before I knew it I was in Bens lap with my arms locked around his neck and my head buried in his neck. My body continued to contract as i couldn't control my sobs. He held me closer and drew circles in my back whispering we would be okay. 

It was the most scared ive felt in my life and for the first time in a long time, I couldnt find a way to control it. 

Mimi (BWWM)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ