Part 6

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bens pov

the kids were now sitting shoulder to shoulder on the large plush couch in the family room. Their eyes darting around the room and to each other trying to avoid Tina's gaze. Her tiny frame stood in front of me with her hands rested on her hips. Her right foot started tapping making her doc marten hit the wooden floor in a beat. I never understood why she kept those things from college-her obsession might be more than just an obsession but who am i to tell her what to wear. 

The afternoon sunlight made its entrance through the skylights in the family room as the particles in the air floated about. Everything seemed to be in slow motion as I took everything in. My adorable wife scaring the shit out of our three kids. Her tiny size was no match to her intimidation appeal. She could make the tallest man feel small. I watched as our kids were cracking under her gaze. Tinas mad look could burn a whole through my brain and make anyone crack like a delicate egg. 

I took this time to look at our kids.They are the perfect mix of us-from Macis blonde highlighted curly hair to Tys green eyes that were obviously a result of Tinas deep dark brown ones and my blue ones. Grayson and Marci have exact replicas of mine but both have a perfectly browned skin tone that makes their eyes even more beautiful than mine. I couldnt help but smile at the family  that was presented before me. I started to smile when I was snapped out of my thoughts by a "RIGHT BEN?!"

"uhh...what?" i answered Tina unsure. She turned her small body around and looked up at me with all the attitude of three infuriated large women. I snapped my neck back to get a better look at this mad woman standing in front of me. "were you spacing out....again?!" she asked lightly poking my chest with her thin brown finger. Her big eyes burned wholes in my face and I didnt really know how to respond.

Maci covered her small mouth and started chucking. Her blonde curls fell carelessly over her shoulders as Ty tried to hold back his laughter at well. They found it hilarious when Tina would scold me like she scolds them. I couldnt ever be mad at her it just made her more cute in my eyes. 

"i was not pumpkin im sorry" I responded raking my hands through my curls. A slight smile made its way on my face as her rounded face turned into a scowl. Her eyebrows met each other on her light caramel face. I put my hands around her waist and pulled her in close. I placed a soft kiss on her nose as I heard the peanut gallery in the background. 

"ewwwwww dad is going chew moms face off again" Grayson said in disapproval. He took a stand and the other two followed their big brother. they were all now standing side by side in front of the couch. Graysons face holding the same scowl as Tinas, Ty turning slightly red and little Marci looking as lost as ever. "yes i might, so you guys go to your rooms and wait for punishment" I said to them smiling not breaking my eye contact with Tina. Surprisingly Tina didnt disagree and the three kids made their usual "gross" comments and disappeared down the long wooden hallway.

I was left with the gorgeous sunlight and my gorgeous wife in my arms with an indifferent look upon her face now. "why did you get me off track..." she trailed off as I placed kisses on her neck. Her stress has softened her like a microwaved stick of butter and she is in more need of affection with my mother trying to make an appearance. 

"Pumpkin relax okay we can always get a new vase" I said drawing circles in her back trying to calm her down. "Ben that's not the point! The point is that they go around breaking things knowing that 'daddy' will get another one!" She said air quoting "daddy".

A wide smile appeared upon my face. " you called me daddy again pumpkin" I said in a teasing voice.

"Wow ben" she said removing herself from my embrace "way to ruin a moment" she finished with her little tongue poking out at me. she turned her back on me but before she walked away I brought her down to the couch with me and keeping her hostage between my legs. She rolled her big dough eyes but proceeded to lock her arms around my neck. This position puts us eye to eye as we stare back at each other in a comfortable silence.

Tinas POV

Bens physical appearance is changing and  i never really took notice to them. As I played with the hair at the nape of his neck, i noticed his usual tapered cut was no longer as his curly blonde hair was getting longer. His shoulders seemed significantly wider...or maybe he gained a few pounds...whatever it was, I was loving because it made him even more masculine than he was. His stubble was even darker-right where I liked it. My hands instinctively moved from his neck to his face as I ran my hands through his longer stubble.  

"Tina  stop thinking for five minutes hun" Ben said to me as he took my hands in his. 'We will tell the kids tonight during dinner, have our people pack up some things for a week-shut off the cameras and everything will be alright" he said pleading with me through his eyes. I rested my head on his shoulder and he pulled me into his lap. we stayed like that for I dont know how long. i took that time to breath in his Hugo Boss scent as I thought about leaving all that is currently around me in a couple of days for an entire week. 

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