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Tina POV

I awoke to cold sheets as the wind washed over my body traveling from the forest outside. I rolled over to only be met with a tiny hand and a head full of long ramen noodle like curls. Marci started mumbling something in her sleep and her bottom lip pouted. I couldnt decide to either wake her up or let her sleep through whatever she was dreaming about. I stroked her golden locks and watched her sleep. A chime like ringing emerged from my phone. I reached for the night stand and once the phone was in my hand i swiped right. The time was 1130am. I lowered the phone from my eyes and held it in my hand as i stared at the ceiling. i was like that until a loud shatter echoed from downstairs. 

My heart started pumping faster as Marci rubbed her eyes bringing herself out of sleep. "mommy?" she asked in a tired voice. I then noticed Ben wasn't in bed and my heart rate sped. would if Mimi is here? what if she found us? where is Ben? I always wake up before him  . "Marci sweetie just stay here okay?" I  said giving her a kiss on her forehead. I walked slowly towards the double doors to our bedroom and slowly opened them. I was instantly met with a very pleasant aroma. Bacon and waffles; my absolute favorite. I then heard the boys bickering "you are going to get in trouble!!" Ty scolded Grayson "nooo you did it too!" Grayson reasoned. 

I was in relief to know everyone was alive and well and shut the doors. I laid back in bed with my six year old that was now wide awake. She sat in the middle of the vast bed with the slept in sheets creating a circle around her. her big eyes were glued to the dancing characters flashing across the screen. I started watching the orange moose whos name was Tyrone and the pink alien dance together. Uniqua? i thought. Then a round blue penguin waddled over to the two animals and they started looking for something. I was so deep in confusion that I missed the door open with Ben bringing in a large plate with bacon piled on top of a waffle. I looked up to take in the beautiful sight. His hair was disheveled giving him sexy bed hair. I could see his muscle outline through the old worn shirt he had back in college. just the way i like it i thought. I lifted myself up in bed and rested against the wooden headboard. Marci was long gone down the stairs and Ben and I were now back in bed.


I awoke to a soft pattering against the carpet and I instantly became afraid. I looked over to my side to see Tinas hair sprawled out on top of her head and her little body rising and falling peacefully. The small pattering became louder and I slowly removed my arm from under her. I carefully placed my foot on the floor-carful not to make a sound. Before I could fully stand the door creeks and a silhouette of a tiny body with hair acting as a halo around her head stood. I let out a breath as it was just Marci unable to sleep. She ran over to me and I scooped her up in my arms. Her eyes held rings telling me she hadn't slept all night. I kissed her forehead and brushed back some of the blonde strays. She clung on to me as tight as possible and pointed to the door. 

Extremely confused, I took her into the hall where she was pointing. "no no no no!" she started frantically crying as she shook her head. "what wrong sweetheart?" I asked concerned. She took a look around and used her little hand to motion me to come closer to her-the way Tina does when shes trying to tell me something secretly. I put my ear to her eagerly wondering what is so important its a secret. "Mimi said shes watching us" she whispered. I snapped my head back and stared at her terrified face. Her arms grew stronger around my neck as she buried her face into my shirt. I was really confused if she was just dreaming or if Mimi somehow found us. I tried to stay calm so she wouldn't get more freaked than she already was. "wanna sleep with me and mommy?" I asked her sympathetically rubbing her back. Her little head moved up and down and I carried her back into the room. I let her crawl into bed where she instantly snuggled next to Tina. Still asleep, Tina wrapped her in her arms and Marci peacefully drifted back to sleep. 

I couldn't allow myself to go back to sleep not knowing if Mimi has been here or not. I quietly sneak out the room into Marci's. The early morning wind was brisk and washed over my body sending ice down my back. I dont remember opening the window I thought. I quickly went to peek in on the twins who were thankfully resting fine. Back in Marci's room I sat on her pink doc mcstuffins bed sheets. The wind washed over me again but carrying a small yellow posted note. I picked up the square yellow piece of paper that read "dont think i dont know about this cottage. i know you are here. you know what to do to keep your precious black bitch safe"  

A wave of emotions flashed through me as I stared at the piece of paper. As tears started running down my face I couldnt fathom what to do. Letting Tina go was never going to happen. and having Mimi potentially harm one of my kids again was not going to happen either. I pulled out the long piece of aluminum and dialed Eric. 

"what the hell do you want?" Eric answered irritated from the other side of the phone. "i want to go through with the plan" I answered him. there was a long pause. "you sure? once the trigger is pulled its pulled dude"he said in all seriousness. "Shes following me and taunting my family Im done. "alright dude. ill call you with details later" he said hanging up the phone. I took a deep breath and stared at the light coming from my phone. Time read 5:30 am. The sky was a gradient blue as the sun was about to make its debut for the day. I cant remember when I drifted off to sleep but when I awoke I heard two boys in the room next to me throwing each other around.

I stretched my neck and yarned. It was now 830 am and the sun was fully awake. A couple hours later Tina and Marci were still asleep so I decided to start breakfast. While the boys ate, I piled the bacon on top of the waffle just the way Tina likes it and brought it up to our room for her. I walk into the two most beautiful girls in my life, Marci was hypnotized watching the backyardigans while Tina laid there watching along. Once Marci sees me she runs downstairs, I guess wanting some breakfast and I settle back in bed with Tina as she munched on her bacon. I gave her a lingering kiss on the forehead as we both laid in bed watching nick jr neither one of us bothering to change it. 

I was so deep in thought staring at the flashing colors of the animals as Tina probably was too. No one was going to hurt my family again-and I will take any precautions to keep them safe. 

Mimi (BWWM)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora