when your mad

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Tina POV

while doing some cleaning around the house I finally made my way into the cozy purple walls and the various doc mcstuffins apparel around the room. Marcis bed was heavily dismantled with half of the pink sheets tucked under the toddler bed. I went down to grab it and when shuffling it though my fingers in attempt to straighten out  some wrinkles, a hard crunchy sound echoed through the room

Confused, I tapped around the sheets to find the base of the noise. I pulled out a crumpled posted note with Mimis hand writing on it. Reading it I became instantly furious and afraid. Walking down the hardwood stairs I was thinking of all the ways to approach this situation.   Ben is sprawled out on the couch watching the kids play some dance game on the Xbox. I walk up behind the couch and tap his shoulder lightly. He turns his head slightly to me to see my face.


Tina motions me to follow her and i do without a fuss. Her face held a deep in thought form and I could only guess why. We make our way into the sunroom and she closes the french doors. "what is this?" she questions me, pulling a small crumbled piece of paper out of her pocket. I instantly close my eyes and regret not throwing the note away. "baby its nothing you have nothing to worry about" i said trying to keep my cool.

Surprisingly she said nothing. She ripped the note up into shreds and threw it in the small brown bin. She gave me a look of disappointment and rolled those dough eyes of hers and walked right back through the french doors not saying another word to me. I was confused and concerned at the same time. When Tina didn't have a counterargument I knew I had fucked up, but I couldn't bring myself to telling her. The rest of the day she doesn't even look at me. She says a couple of words here and there but only pertaining to the kids. 

At dinner, she shot me daggers that cut so deep I thought I had lost some blood. By night the kids were all tucked in bed and I sincerely couldn't take the silence anymore. I needed her voice again, even if it was her popping off at me i needed her to say something. 

I entered our bedroom and caught her with her back faced towards me. She was typing away orders on her phone to her design team about upcoming issues. I wrapped my arms around her small waist and rested my head between the crook of her neck. She pushed me away quickly and turned around so her eyes met mine. Her eyes were holding anger but I didnt care. I put my arms around her again and backed her against the beige wall. 

"I fucking hate you" Tina said turning her head away from me. I held her hostage against the wall as i looked down at her waiting for her to look at me. "baby please look at me" I pleaded with her and my head followed hers. I couldn't take staring at her afro anymore so i tucked my finger under her chin and lifted her head so her eyes could finally meet mine. she instantly cut her eyes away from mine looking down at who knows what. I place a kiss on her lips and she doesn't respond and I sighed. I dropped my grip on her chin and hung my head-difficult Tina was back out to play and I knew just how to put her in her place. 

Tina crossed her arms as I still had her trapped against the wall. she finally looked into my eyes challenging me. I stared back at her, questioning her anger as we both were now in a staring match. I poked her side to win this round and she flinched never taking her eyes off me. her carmel cheeks were turning a light pink and she smacked my chest hard as hell. "OW! Tina what the hell?!" I ask now holding my chest. she escapes my hold and stomps over to the other side of the bed. 

She stands there tapping her foot-staring at me. waiting. I really dont want to say sorry-im not sorry for keeping the note from her. I didn't want her to worry, I didn't want her stressing. I did it for her I did it because I love her. "im not apologizing." I said standing my ground. my hand went through my hair  as she continuously gave me the death glare. she picked a pillow off the bed. with all her might she chugged it at my face hard-with the corner of the rough fabric scraping my eye. 

Tina POV

"OWWWWWWW" Ben cried as he cradled his face covering his right eye. "IM STILL NOT APOLOGIZING TO YOU IM NOT SORRY" he yelled at me. " WHY NOT YOU WERE WRONG! WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME!?" I said fuming. " maybe because I didn't want you to freak out like this?! because i love you maybe?!" he reasoned with me sarcastically. This only made me more angry. As he sat on the bed with his back faced to me I waited a couple of seconds. he just sat there and I think i lost it. This fight made my sexual arousal go through the roof. I have been dick deprived for a bit of time now and at this point thats all that mattered.  

I walked over to the side of the bed he was still clutching his eye and took his hand in mine. I took his hand away from his face and dipped my head down to meet his eyes. the eye was absolutely fine-Ben was always a big baby. If  I want to have sex tonight i have to apologize I thought to myself. I never apologize but I really needed Big Ben to come out and play. 

I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood in between his legs that he moved apart for me to stand. He finally looked up at me with sad eyes and I kissed his eye that I threw the pillow at. our foreheads met and his arms found its way around my waist. he brought me down to his lap and stared into my eyes. "Im sorry baby" I said with a pout. Ben has always been a sucker when i pout. he let out a sigh "ohhh no you might be cute but you are not going to win this with that" he said with a small laugh. I started massaging his hair and running my fingers around his neck-just the way he liked it. 

whether he knew it or not he was already leaning into my control.


Tinas fingers always worked magic as she massaged my scalp up and down my neck. She then started placing kisses all over my face and eventually my lips. Im not sure why shes apologizing but Im not complaining at this point. Its been a while since we have made each other feel good and I was deprived.  I kissed her back-taking her full bottom lip between my teeth. She softly pulls back in smile and I am quickly rising. I flip us over to onto the bed and she presses her lips into mine again. When I ask for entrance she accepts. Our tongues waltz together in bliss as i slowly start removing her tiny shorts that dont cover much of her ass.  Little do I now the surprise thats hiding underneath those shorts; no panties. 

my member quickly stands at attention. Im about to eat my second dinner of the night. my lips meet her lower ones and she starts to breath heavily. i start to suck on her enlarged clit and she begins to loose it. her head is buried deep between the pillows as he back is raiseD so high its like shes in an exorcism. she pushes my head deeper into her and her legs chain around my neck for dear life. she tries to keep her whimpers suppressed but fails miserably as she screams my name that turns me on. "ben...i....i...i cant" she tries to plead with me. I stop and look up at her as she tires to catch her breath. "whats the magic word?" i ask taunting her. she says nothing and stares at the ceiling as if she didnt hear me. Being difficult I see -I go back to assaulting her clit and she cant take it anymore "oh..ohkay...ohkay!" she basically screams through her pants. "daddy!!" she screams for mercy and I finally stop and smile at her. I kiss my way up her stomach and sink deep into her. i engulf her lips to suppress the scream-she seems to have tightened since the last time we had made love.

her body starts to quiver after a couple of my rough pumps into her and shes loosing control of her body. i hold her tight to my chest as i continue to plow into her until i reach my peak. i release myself inside her marking my territory as i hold her close to me. her arms around my neck are holding on for dear life and when i finally slide out of her shes still and quiet. i roll off of her to breath. it wasnt long until i heard soft snores beside me-i snuggled into her body and held her close before i drifted off into a deep sleep. 

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