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"moooom do we have to leave now???" Grayson whined as he slumped his shoulders attempting to drag himself. He was followed by his younger brother Ty who was only a year younger than him. They both were about the same height now and their resemblance was so similar that people often assumed they were twins.

"Grayson top being a drama king and compose yourself....now" I answered in a mother tone. He quickly stood up straight and ran up Pa's stairs to get his things. Ty stood before my with a syrup stain on his grey shirt. His hair was disheveled the same way his fathers would. He stared at me with a questioning look which only met one thing...he had seen Mimi.

"Ty is there something you arn't telling me?" I instigated- Ty could never lie to me no matter how hard he tried. He was just like Ben when Grayson's personality was a copy of mine.

He nodded slowly without making eye contact. I walked over to him and lifted his chin so his eyes could meet mine. His green eyes had a fear in beaded in them and it had me worried.

Pa and Mimi are Ben's parents. While Pa loves the kids Mimi has tried everything to break Ben and I apart since we met.

Flashback: " sweetheart we have been going out for five months now and I think it's time to meet my parents!!" Ben finished looking me deep in the eyes. His bright blues were dancing with excitement and I didn't know how to respond. "I don't know Ben your mom isn't very fond of me I think mayb-" "nonsense Tina!" Ben cut me off "I have a feeling that you and I might be together for a long time and I've never felt this way about anyone before" he said looking straight into my soul. I looked away to break the gaze but he quickly lifted my chin and cradled my face between his big hands. I looked up at him and his warm blue eyes met my close to black ones. I knew he meant it but my trust issues were holding me back.

"I know I've never said it but I care for you more than you will ever know....maybe even love..." He trailed off at the last part and his eyes were forming tears. Ben had never told me he loved me..I've never said it to him either. The fact he said it first meant a lot and looking into those pools of blue I knew he meant it.

We pulled into a round about with a beautiful oak tree residing in the middle. I was busy watching the leaves color change and the way the tree danced with the wind. "We are here" Ben said breaking me out of thoughts. I knew Ben came from wealth family nothing could prepare me for the residence in which he grew up in.

The large estate consisted e of stone and brick. There was a house on the left side of the house where five cars could reside. It connected to the main house with a full glass walkway. The house had a stone bumpout in a hexagon shape. The hexagon gravelled to the top floor and was called with a witch like hat at the top. The windows were as tall as ben- they stretched from the the floor to the feelings on each floor. The building looked more like a small hotel than anything and I instantly grew nervous.

He helped me out of the car and we walked up the front porch. Huge pillars sat on the sides of the intricate carved double doors. Trees surrounded most of the estate. He rang the doorbell as his other hand rested on the small of my back. My heart began to pound as it was ready to burst out of my chest.

We sat in the large dining room with a table sat for 12. His parents sat on the opposite side of us. An hour into dinner I was ready to hurl my fists across the table at his mother. The sly racial comments she catapulted at me were beginning to cloud my judgment.

"Ben I still don't understand where this sweet tooth came from but I think you need to remove it quickly" Ben's mother Mimi commented side eyeing me. "Come on Mimi I think that's enough black jokes for one night don't you think.." His dad Art tried to reason with her."how much do we have to give you to leave my son alone??" Mimi asked me pulling out a checkbook. My Caramel skin gained a tint in my cheeks and my rage was building up. My nails started tapping faster against the golden tablecloth and Ben could sense me tensing up.

"Mother that's enough! I'm not leaving her-she inst leaving me damnit mom I love her!" He retorted now standing leaning over the table. I could see his peach skin turning pinker by the minute and his father took that as cue.

"Alright I think that's a rap for the night...Mimi go upstairs while I see these two out". The small blond woman stood up and her blue eyes pierced through my like a dagger. She made her way upstairs and Art apologized. " I'm sincerely sorry darling his mother has always had terrible views on race-i apologize on her behalf. You seem like a fine match for my son and I know you arnt in it for the money...like all the other girls he has supposedly 'dated'". A tear made its way down my check and Ben quickly wiped it away with his sweet kiss. "He thanked his father and we made our way out.

The ride home was an intense one about race and where our we discussed the future of us..by the time I was back at my apartment I knew I would be with him for a while.

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