Unconditionally (Spoby)

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For your PLL story book thing I had an idea influenced by the song "Unconditionally" by Katy Perry. Spencer does something bad, but Toby forgives her and he will always love her unconditionally. Submitted by ilovemanyfandoms

Pay attention to the POV switch between Spencer and Toby. It's mostly Spencer's POV but Toby has a little POV.

Spencer's POV

I just finished my first semester of Senior year at U Penn. Toby and I were going out to celebrate tonight.I was 21 and next year I would attending U Penn Law school or so I hoped. Unfortunately I just made the biggest mistake of my life and if anyone finds out I will be in so much trouble. My classes at U Penn were all AP classes and I was always studying. I felt unprepared for one of my finale exams and I did the one thing I didn't think a Hastings was capable of doing. I cheated on a university exam. I feel so awful about it and of course I regret my choices. I cheated because I felt like it was the only way to pass the class. 

"It's your night to celebrate so where do you want to go?" Toby asked

"The Brew is fine, I'm not really up for dinner at a fancy place tonight." I said

"Don't you think the Apple Rose Grill would at least be a little bit better?" Toby asked

"What if we just get some carry out and eat here at the loft?" I asked

"If that's what you want but we can have carry out anytime." Toby said

"Fine, we can go out as long as it is just the two of us." I said

Toby's POV

I had a surprise planed for Spencer and so far she had no clue. We wouldn't be going out alone. I invited all of Spencer friend's including Hanna, Caleb, Aria, Jason, Emily, and Alison,  her family, and my dad  to come celebrate with us at Alfoccino. It was a fancy but not to fancy Italian restaurant. I had it all planed out because tonight I was going to ask Spencer to marry me. No one except Spencer's parents, my dad and Melissa know about my plan. I am worried why Spencer doesn't seem herself. I'm hopeful that this will cheer Spencer up. When we got to the restaurant Spencer seemed happier.

"You wait here while I go inside and see how long of wait it it to get a table." I said

"Fine, but I'm not in the mood to wait very long so we can always go somewhere else." Spencer said

I texted Spencer about two minutes later and told her that the table was ready. When Spencer walked in the restaurant everyone surprised her. Spencer didn't seem to happy and she walked quickly into the bathroom. I asked Melissa to go see if Spencer was alright.

Spencer's POV

I'm happy that Toby set up this surprise party for me but I  can't face the people I love not after what I did. It's only going to be a matter of days before I'm kicked out of U Penn. 

"Spencer, Talk to me please." Melissa said

I didn't even realize she followed me into the bathroom.

"I did something bad and I can't tell anyone not even Toby." I said

"Spence, you can tell me and I promise I won't tell Toby." Melissa said

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