Spaleb - as siblings

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A/N For this chapter only: Spencer and Caleb will be Hastings siblings, Hanna and Toby will be Cavanaugh siblings. Spencer and Caleb live together in an apartment near NYU, Hanna and Toby live together in an apartment near NYU.

Spencer - 18 years old - NYU Freshman

Caleb - 21 years old - NYU Senior

Hanna - 18 years old - NYU Freshman

Toby - 21 years old - NYU Senior 

General POV


Hanna and Spencer were just starting NYU. Hanna was excited to be moving away from home in Rosewood, PA and moving in with her brother Toby at NYU. Spencer was also excited to be moving away from home in Rosewood, PA and in with her brother Caleb at NYU.

Toby and Caleb were starting their final year at NYU. Neither Toby or Caleb were excited about having Hanna or Spencer live with them. 

"As much as I miss Hanna I'm not really looking forward to living with her. It's been 3 years since we had to share a bathroom." Toby said

"I'm not looking forward to sharing a bathroom with Spencer but it would be way worse if we had to share a bedroom." Caleb said

"We really should just ask the girls to share your apartment and then you move into mine." Toby said

"We could ask but I think your sister and my sister miss us more then we miss them so they might say no to the idea." Caleb said


Now that a few months have passed Toby was used to having Hanna live with him and Caleb was used to having Spencer live with him. Hanna and Spencer went to an end of semester party while Caleb and Toby just hung out playing video games.

Hanna and Spencer both got drunk fairly fast since it was their first time drinking.

"How mad do you think Caleb is going to be because he told me several times not to drink?" Spencer asked

"I don't think he will be that mad, I mean it's not your parents and I'm sure both my brother and your brother got drunk before they were 21." Hanna said

"Do you really think they are playing video games together or did they let us go to this party so they could have a party of their own?" Spencer asked

"Video games but I wouldn't be surprised if they were also drinking beer while playing them." Hanna said

Hours past and it was past midnight. Spencer and Hanna walked back to were their apartments were. The girls were so drunk that they accidentally had taken the wrong keys and walked into each others apartments. Spencer was now in Toby's apartment while Hanna was now in Caleb's apartment. 


Hanna and Spencer were both throwing up. Caleb and Toby were trying to convince themselves that both girls just had the flu at the same time.

"This may seem like a weird question for me to ask you but when's the last time you had your monthly cycle?" Caleb asked

"6 weeks ago." Hanna said

"I think you might be pregnant. The same thing is happening to Spencer and Toby is talking to her now." Caleb said

"I hate to have to ask you this question but did you miss a monthly cycle?" Toby asked

"Yes, my last one was 6 weeks ago." Spencer said

"I think you might be pregnant. Caleb thinks Hanna is also pregnant." Toby said

Spencer and Hanna each bought a pregnancy test from the closest drug store. Hanna took the test first and then Spencer. Caleb and Toby were right there with them during the 3 minute wait to find out the result. Both pregnancy tests were positive.


Not one parents were happy to hear the news about Spencer and Hanna's pregnancy. One good thing is that Toby and Caleb were less then a month away from graduating NYU. Caleb was going to be working at Apple and Toby was going to be a police officer for NYPD. This means both Caleb and Toby would be staying in NYC. Thanks to parental help Spencer, Toby, Hanna, and Caleb were going to be moving into a 4 bedroom 3 bathroom house near NYC over the summer. 

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