Just Friends (Spoby, but also Spencer/Caleb friendship)

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Spencer &Caleb get close & Toby is not too happy about it they are just friends but he doesn't see it like that. Prompt by BersabehS on Twitter

Spencer Hastings 18 years old

Toby Cavanaugh 19 years old

Hanna Marin 18 years old

Caleb Rivers 19 years old

Also for this one Toby and Caleb have known each other since they were kids.

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Spencer's POV

It was midway through Spring break. I have been spending most of my time with Toby. Even when he was at work or on call for work I was at the loft even if Toby wasn't home at the time. My parents were away at some lawyers conference so they didn't care that I haven't been home since spring break started. We were sleeping. My cell phone stated ringing loudly. I looked at the alarm clock and it was 214 AM. I don't turn it off at night in cause of emergencies because Toby doesn't have a landline. I usually turn the ringer down but I must have forgotten after Toby and I had sex last night. 

"This better be an emergency Melissa, its 215 AM." I said

"No, Spencer it's 715 AM." Melissa said

"The time difference Melissa. London is 5 hours ahead of the east coast United States." I said

"Right, Spence I'm sorry." Melissa said

"It's fine but Toby has a shift at 7 AM." I said

"How can you tell if someone is cheating?" Melissa asked

"I would look at his texts and read his emails but I trust Toby so I don't plan on doing that myself." I said

"I was calling to ask you to move to London." Melissa said

"Why?" I asked

"My boss at the law firm wants to get an intern. I put an an extremely good word for you and he thinks you are perfect for the job." Melissa said

"I'm still in High school for 8 more weeks Melissa." I said

"My boss understands that so you wouldn't start until mid June. It's paid Spencer so you can't turn it down." Melissa said

"Did you forget I have a boyfriend with a good paying job." I said

"Mom and dad never liked Toby so they probably are not going to let you marry him." Melissa said

I got so mad at Melissa that I hung up on her. I walked back into Toby's bedroom and threw my phone. It hit the wall and then the floor hard, probably breaking my phone. The noise woke Toby up.

"Spencer, what's wrong?" Toby asked

"I'm tired of my sister calling in the middle of the night." I said

"Well now Melissa can't call you since you broke your cell." Toby said

"I can buy a new phone and not give Melissa the new number." I said

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