Just Friends (Haleb, but also Hanna/Toby friendship)

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Hanna &Toby get close & Caleb is not too happy about it they are just friends but he doesn't see it like that prompt by BersabehS on Twitter.

Hanna Marin is 25 and Married to Caleb who is 26. Haleb has been been married for almost a year. Live in Rosewood, PA. Haleb's house is a single level, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom. A down payment for the house was made by Caleb's mom after he graduated from NYU. Hanna also went to NYU. Caleb works for Apple and Hanna is currently unemployed .

Spencer Hastings in 25 and Married to Toby Cavanaugh who is 26. Spoby has been married for almost a year. Spoby's house is also a single level, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house. A down payment for the house was made by Spencer's parents after she graduated from U Penn. Toby also went to U Penn. Toby is a Rosewood Police Officer and Spencer is a Lawyer at her parents Law Firm.

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Caleb's POV

Hanna has been feeling sick for the past few days and I have been really worried about her. She doesn't even want to go to the doctor because she hates going to the doctors. We were lying in bed. Hanna was sleeping and I was determined to stay up in cause she needed me for anything.

"Can you make me some more chicken noodle soup please?" Hanna said

"Han, It's midnight and I'm really tired." I said

"The number one rule in marriage is that when your wife wants something you get it for her?" Hanna said

"Fine but if I do this for you then you promise me that you will go to the doctors first thing in the morning." I said

"I'm sure it's nothing Caleb. I had the flu a few times that lasted for a few days each time growing up." Hanna said but she was thinking something else in her mind

"I'm not saying you are Han, but what if you are pregnant? You wouldn't know that unless you went to the doctors." I said

"As many times as we have had sex, every single time we used a condom and I have been on birth control pills since I was 16." Hanna said

Hanna ate the soup that I made. Then we both got some sleep.

Hanna's POV

I woke up before Caleb did and left a note for him. In the note I said I was going to the doctors and I would be back later. I had other plans in my mind. I went to the drug store and brought a pregnancy test. I'm thinking Caleb was right but I didn't want to admit that to Caleb. I went over to Spencer and Toby house since I figured Toby would be at work already. He is a police officer and he worked all shifts but for now he was on the 7 am to 3 pm shift. Spencer is a Lawyer. She worked for her mom but she also did some of her work from home. I knocked on the door and Spencer answered.

"Han, I wasn't expecting you to come over." Spencer said

"I will explain but first I need to use the bathroom." I said

"You have to use the bathroom by the bedrooms because the one near the kitchen Toby and I are remodeling so the pluming is turned off." Spencer said

"Thanks for the information Spencer." I said

I walked into the bathroom and took the pregnancy test. 3 minutes later it was positive. Spencer knocked on the door thinking something was wrong. I stupidly opened the door and hid the test.

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