Ezria - I Love your Daughter

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  Can you do one in the episode where Ezra told Ella and Byron he loved aria please?  

A/N - A different take on PLL season 2 episode 14. I know Aria was a Rosewood High Junior in PLL 2x14 but for this she is going to be a Rosewood High Senior.

Aria Montgomery - 18 years old and a Senior at Rosewood High school

Ezra Fitz - 25 years old - Job: English teacher at Rosewood high and is a professor (night classes) at Hollis College 

General POV

Aria Montgomery didn't have to worry about anything in her life. Well that was until she met Ezra Fitz. An English teacher at both the high school and college level. Now every time she is with him and even when she isn't Aria has to worry about being caught. A secret relationship has been challenging for Aria. Aria's mom is a teacher at Rosewood High and Aria's dad is a professor at Hollis College. 

Aria and Ezra have been dating in secret for almost a year and a half. It was a miracle that they hadn't gotten caught yet. Aria planned on telling her parents after high school graduation. It is Valentines day (February 14) meaning Rosewood High schools graduation is about 3 and a half months away. 

English was Aria's last class of the day. It was often the best class because of Ezra. Aria's friends Hanna, Spencer, and Emily were in this class as well. After an hour class the bell rang this time signaling the end of the school stay.

"Ms. Montgomery, I need to go over your essay with you so please stay." Ezra said before Aria walked out of the room.

She waited until everyone left and closed the door.

"Is this really about my essay or is this about something else?" Aria asked

"It's really about your essay Aria." Ezra said

"Was it not good enough because I know I can write a better one." Aria said

"That's the thing, it was to good. Almost like you didn't write it but someone like Spencer Hastings did." Ezra said

"Is that a bad thing?" Aria asked

"You tell me, Did you write this yourself Aria or did Spencer write it for you?" Ezra asked

"Spencer wrote it down on paper but I typed the entire essay." Aria said

"It's still cheating no matter how you look at it." Ezra said

"How much trouble am I in?" Aria asked

"If I turned this into the principal you might not graduate on time but I'm not going to do that. Aria, I am going to give you a second chance but this time the essay needs to be written in your own words. Everyday at lunch and after school you are going to be in this classroom so I can watch you write the essay." Ezra said

"Sounds fair enough." Aria said

"School just ended so why don't you start right now." Ezra said

"Just so you know, I didn't do this to get your attention Ezra. I did this because I needed the A or my parents were going to make spend all summer at a cabin in Vermont with them and Mike for family bonding." Aria said

"A family summer vacation doesn't sound that bad." Ezra said

"You and I both know if I went on that trip then we would spend the entire summer apart." Aria said

"Aria, I don't want to turn this into an argument right now so please just start writing the essay." Ezra said

Aria sat down to write the essay. A few minutes later and she had nothing written but her name and the date.  Aria wrote a message for Ezra,

"Ezra - I'm sorry about the essay. I will rewrite it just not today. It's valentines day so can we forget the essay for tonight and go out on a date?" xoxo Aria"

Aria showed it to Ezra hopping he would say yes.

"Aria, I need a rain check on that date. I would love to go out tonight but I have a class to teach at Hollis." Ezra said

"I thought you didn't teach on classes on Friday nights." Aria said

"I don't normally but I promised your dad I would teach his class tonight because your dad's flight got cancelled this morning and he wouldn't be back in time to teach tonight." Ezra said 

*A few hours later*

Ezra had just finished teaching the night class at Hollis and Aria was going to surprise him.

"Aria, I wasn't expecting to see you." Ezra said

"I just got into a really big fight with my mom and I needed to see you." Aria said

"What happened?" Ezra asked

"She was trying to set me up on a date with a family friend. I told her no because I have you but now I think she suspects I'm sneaking around and keeping secrets." Aria said

"This is why we should have told your parents about us a long time ago." Ezra said

"My mom can know about us maybe but my dad he would do anything to split us up." Aria said

Ezra handed Aria some flowers.

"I bought these earlier for you but I didn't want to give them to you at Rosewood high." Ezra said

"These flowers are so beautiful. I love you Ezra." Aria said

"I love you Aria." Ezra said

Aria and Ezra were making out in his office. After a few minutes cloths started coming off.

"I think we should go back to your apartment for this." Aria said

"Don't worry about it, almost no one is on campus now." Ezra said

"Then why do I have a bad feeling like someone is going to walk into your office." Aria said

Aria was right about that. Aria dad walked in and it turned into an embarrassing moment for Aria and also a fight between Ezra and her dad.

"I love your daughter and I promise you that I will never hurt her." Ezra said

"How long has this been going on?" Mr. Montgomery asked

"1.5 years. I know I was her teacher but I'm not anymore." Ezra said

"That still doesn't matter she is 18 and you are 25."  Mr. Montgomery said

"He loves me dad and I love him." Aria said

"Aria, go home and we will talk about this later." Mr. Montgomery said

Aria left but she didn't go home. Aria was at Ezra's apartment when he returned.

"What did my dad do to you?" Aria asked

"He was really angry and he fired me." Ezra said

"My dad can't do that." Aria said

"Yes he can, your dad is the head of the English department." Ezra said

A few weeks later Aria found out she was pregnant. She hadn't seen Ezra since Valentines day. Aria's parents put a tracker in her cell phone and her car so it's really hard for her to try and see Ezra. Aria wanted to tell him she was pregnant but the best she could do right now was tell a trusted friend and let them tell Ezra the news.

After Aria graduated high school she left home. Before the end of the summer Ezra got a new teaching job in NYC and Aria moved to NYC with him. They had a baby boy and Ezria eventually got married, Got a dog and a cat plus had a few more kids. Life in NYC was better then either of them could have hopped for.

What did you think about this one?

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