Kiss Me Slowly (Hanna/Mike) (Haleb)

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So this is an idea for a Hanna/Mike one. Why don't you start it off with a flashback from before Alison disappeared, just a small scene. Maybe first kiss or something like that. Then you could skip to when Caleb left Hanna for Ravenswood and slide Mike through. You could do several more flashbacks between the two, maybe an angry one as well. Just a thought. You could end it as a cliffhanger when Hanna leaves for college and Mike and Hanna break up. You could use the song, 'Kiss Me Slowly' by Parachute. Prompt by PrettyxLittlexKiller

Haleb shippers read to the very end and you will be happy.

Hanna's POV

Flashback -  3 years ago Hanna is 14 years old

I never expected my first kiss to happen today and the person who kissed me really took me by surprise. That person was Mike Montgomery. He is my best friends Aria Montgomery's younger brother. Mike is 12 and I am 14 years old. Once the summer is over I will be starting 9th grade with all my friends but Mike will still be in middle school. I don't even have feelings for Mike before the kiss and he was the one to kiss me.

Aria, Spencer, Emily, Alison, and I were all in Aria's bedroom. After Ali made a rude comment about my weight I was upset. I didn't went to cry in front of my best friends so I went downstairs and sat on the Montgomery's couch. I wasn't alone because Mike was in the same room playing a video game. He noticed I was upset and he sat down next to me on the couch.

"What's wrong?" Mike asked

I thought he was only pretending to care.

"Alison made fun of me because of my weight and no one not even your sister took my side." I said

"Hanna I'm so sorry." Mike said

Then the kiss happened. It was quick but I could tell Mike really meant that he was sorry.

End of flashback.

Caleb and I were putting back the pictures we were looking at. The one of Mike and I with ice cream cones caught Caleb's attention.

"Isn't that Aria's younger brother?" Caleb asked

"Yes." I said

"I didn't know you and Mike were close." Caleb said

"I was 14 in that picture Caleb. It was summer, Mike and I were just having some fun." I said

"Hanna, I thought I was your first." Caleb said

"Not that kind of fun Caleb. Mike and I shared nothing more then just a few kisses that summer then it was over." I said

"What are your thoughts on a long distance relationship?" Caleb asked

"Well it depends on the distance but I really don't want to think about it because those types of relationships don't usually last." I said

"I'm moving to Ravenswood to be with my dad." Caleb said

"When?" I asked

"As soon as Christmas break is over. I'm not going back to Rosewood high. I have enough credits to graduate early so I'm done with school." Caleb said

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