Six: The Bloody Boot

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"Is that-

"Yes." I said walking towards the boot.

It was blue with yellow details and it was bloody. I swallowed hard because we both knew who this was. Mesut looked at me in horror shaking his head. I walked near the spot where we found it and saw more blood.

"Do you think he's-

"Shut up. We need to look for him." I said and walked following the blood trail.

I felt Mesut walking slowly behind me.

"Pay attention to details." I said.

"Alright." He whispered.

We saw tiny drops of blood on the floor but there was also leaves and mud, so the task was extremely difficult.

"Man I just hope he's okay." He said and I nodded.

"I hope the same." I whispered.

We walked for about two hours deep the jungle and finally found a couple of suitcases. We opened it and found clothes , shoes, and pills.

"This is great." I said.

"From who do you think is this?" Mesut asked.

"Probably Mats." I said.

"How do you know?" Mesut asked.

"He's always extremely precautious." I said showing him the health kit.

"Plus there's this." I said showing him a shirt with The Beatles logo on it.

"I've see him wearing it before." I said and he nodded.

"Okay, well, sorry Mats but we're taking your stuff." Mesut said looking to the sky.

"What the fuck man?" I asked terrified.

"Well, I mean if he's dead I am talking to him on the sky-

"Are you stoned?" I asked open my eyes.

"Maybe. This sun is a bitch." He said. I stood up and grabbed the suitcase.

There was also a bag with a nike logo on it. I opened it and there was more clothes and candy, phone chargers, a tablet, two books, and perfume and bath gel.

"We need to be positive about this." I said and Mesut nodded.

"I think that's Loris." Mesut said.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Well that was his handbag, I saw him on the airport reading that book, maybe he put it in the bag before the takeoff. I nodded.

"Okay. We'll bringing it too." I said and we heard a boom.

It was like tremendous explosion. We looked at each other and then to our surroundings, while bending a bit.

"Get down." I said and we both bended to the ground.

"What the fuck was that?" Mesut asked me.

"I have no idea." I whispered.

"But what if-

"Shh." I said placing my hand on my mouth and looking at him, he nodded.

I moved my head indicating him to follow me, so he did. He grabbed the alleged "Hummels" suitcase and I grabbed the alleged "Loris" bag and walked deeper to the jungle.

"Do you smell that?" Mesut whispered.

"SHH." I said and looked in every possible direction.

"I do." I whispered.

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