Eight: Who's the girl?

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We started walking jungle inside. The heat was criminal, I felt the hot drops all over my body. Sometimes I closed my eyes and tried to think I was back at Germany but that bullshit didn't worked for me.

"We've been walking for how long?" Boat Asked.

"About two hours." Shkodran said.

"How do you know?" Boa asked.

"I am good with numbers... Plus I've been counting." He said pulling a leaf of a three.

We laughed.

"This is familiar." Shkodran said.

I looked at him, he was alert and looking around.

"There." He said pointing at the distance.

There was a giant rock surrounded by threes. A couple of seats tossed away, some burnt threes. He didn't move, his eyes were terrified.

"I'll take a look." I said. He stayed there.

I walked towards the rock and saw a high heel. I swallowed hard. I took a few steps closer and saw the body of one of the flight attendants. It was the brunette, Melissa I believe it was her name.

I closed my eyes and sighed. This is too terrible, a young lady like her... I turned around and Boa and Shkodran were looking at me. I nodded and Shkodran grabbed his stomach and threw up.

I rolled my eyes.

I walked around her to look for stuff. I saw a white box and a couple of bags. Maybe these were the things André and Shkodran were talking about but they didn't dare to come closer because of the dead body. I felt Boa next to me, he was watching the girl with sadness on his face.

"This is awful." He said, I nodded.

"I hope she rest in peace." He said closing his eyes.

"Should we... bury her?" I asked to Boa but he shook his head.

"I don't think so. I don't know if I could." He said.

And to be honest, I don't know if I could either. It's too weird to be in a situation like this, is the first time a see a dead body like that. I decide to let it go.

We took some big leaves from a palm tree and placed them on top of her, to cover her body. We mourn over her body, Boa said a nice words and then we took the stuff and walked back to the "camp".

On the way back Shkodran discovered a bush with berries. He stopped us.

"Guys look at this." He said grabbing the berries.

"Oh man. I've seen this before. That shit is poisonous." Boa said.

I looked at him and frowned.

"How do you know for sure?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Don't you watch animal planet and stuff? Only meerkats eat that shit." He said.

"What? Meerkats live in the desert." Shkodran said.


"There's no berries on the desert.." Shkodran added looking at him confused.

He was silent. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Let's get some." I said.

Shkodran and I grabbed a small bag of berries, all the berries we could carry.

"I am thirsty tho."I said.

"We didn't see water anywhere around." Shkodran said.

I nodded.

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