Twenty six: Berries

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I saw them singing a birthday song then it hit me, we've been here for a couple of months so this must me Marco's birthday. I smiled widely and shook my head closing my eyes. I was here, they were here and I wasn't alone after all.

I started walking towards them, moving all the leaves that were on my way. A plate with fruit was given to Marco and just when I was about to talk he started shaking, the plate fell from his hands and he collapsed on the floor.

"Marco!?" I shouted. The rest of the people turned to look at me, I felt their eyes widened following my every move. I ran quickly and threw myself on the floor next to him. I grabbed his head and placed it on my lap.

"Mario?" I heard a voice from behind calling my name, but my eyes were focused on Marco.

His green eyes were wide opened but soon they turned into a spooky dark tone, he was shaking, his whole body was sweating cold. I think he couldn't believe he was seeing me.

"What is going on?" I heard a voice and saw Toni's face in front of me, holding Marco's body as well.

"What did he eat?" I asked looking back. I saw the girl who handed the plate to him, she was shaking and there were tears on her eyes.

"What did you give him?" I asked again in almost a yell. Loris, Mesut and Erik were frozen on their feet looking at the girl, she was shaking.

"What did you add in that?" Erik asked her approaching her.

"I just- I-" She couldn't speak.

"If you don't tell he will die! Did you add berries?" I asked looking down to Marco, he was still trembling his hands were now resting on my arm. I opened his mouth and saw a red stain on his lips.

"I- I-" She kept saying with tears on her eyes. Suddenly a old man approach her and grabbed her by the arms.

"Jamie did you put berries on that?" He asked her and she finally nodded.

"Fuck! Those are poisonous." I exclaimed shaking my head and looking back to Marco's face, he was terrified.

"Please, don't die- I started saying while I shook my head – you were not supposed to eat those, I- I- My voice cracked and I felt a pair of arms lifting me from the ground, I turned around to find Mesut. He hugged me tight and caressed my head.

"It's okay. The doctor will check him." He said. I followed the doctor with my eyes, he looked at me and nodded in reassurance, still I walked towards him and grabbed Marco's hand, he was looking at me as if he has seen a ghost.

I heard the girl crying on the distance while Loris and Toni tried to calm her. I couldn't give two fucks about her feelings, she almost killed my best friend.

The doctor started checking his vital signs and suddenly Marco tighten his grip on my hand and his eyes closed.

"What? MARCO!?" I shouted. I started shaking him to wake up but he didn't move.

"Marco! Marco wake up!" I kept saying but he was lifeless. I looked up to the doctor who was now leaning on his chest hearing to his heartbeats. He looked at me and nodded in reassurance.

"He's fine, he just fainted." He said and I felt the life coming back to my body. He pressed his fingers against Marco's neck and then nodded again.

"His heart beats are weak. We need to find the cure. Erik, quick, look for my book." He commanded Erik, he nodded and went up to a tree house that just right now I noticed there was.

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