Thirty: A murderer in the loop

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Note: All characters, names, situations are fictitious.



My eyes couldn't believe themselves. I saw Mats standing there in front of me. He looked skinnier than I remember and he had a scared look on his face. His arms were wrapped around the food he just stole. I crossed my arms on my chest and frowned.

"What are you doing?" I asked but he didn't answer, he looked around as if he was searching for someone but there was actually no one, just us. He swallowed hard and looked at me from head to toe.

"I-I- He finally spoke. His voice was raspy and he was in pain. It was clear that he hasn't drank anything in the last hours. He swallowed hard again and looked down.

"You're alive." I said. He looked at me, his lips a thin line, he nodded firmly.

"How can you live with yourself?" I asked. He got tensed, his shoulders widened just as his eyes. His legs now trembling. I took a couple of steps closer to him.

"I don't- I don't know what you are-

"Talking about? Seriously?" I asked. I couldn't believe the nerve he had to even question my statement.

"Do I have to remind you?" I asked, he took a step backwards and looked at me confused.

"Look Erik. I don't know what they tell you but-

"I saw it with my two eyes Mats. You killed Ilkay." I said. He moved his head aside and frowned.

"Excuse me?" He asked clearly offended. I took a step towards him.

"You heard me. You killed him." I said. He took another step backwards and shook his head. His body gestures might have said the contrary but his eyes couldn't fool me. I suspected it the day I found Ilkay's dead body and even more when I found Mats wedding ring under his body. He killed him and his eyes were revealing it to me.

"I have no idea what you're talking about- He lied.

"You miss this?" I asked and pulled out his wedding ring from my pocket. He froze and opened his eyes widely.

"What-What- He managed to say. His eyes fixed on the ring I was holding in my hands.

"You must have drop it when you killed our teammate!" I exclaimed while pointing between us. He looked confused and his eyes started going glassy.

"I- I don't know what you're saying, Erik-

"And now you are stealing our food? Did you plan on kill us as well, Mats?" I asked, still he looked at me and shook his head as a negative response.

"I- I am sorry. You're crazy Erik. I am just hungry. I haven't eaten anything since- He stopped talking and his eyes suddenly widened as if he was looking something behind me. I turned around quickly and next thing I feel a severe pain on my back. I instantly fell to the floor and a pair of hands grabbed the neck of my shirt. I saw Mats dark hatred eyes looking at me, he clenched his jaw, next to him was a giant rock that he just let go in front of my eyes. He hit me with the rock.

"You have no idea what you are doing-

"Who's there?" I heard a voice. I saw Toni's head poking from the window.

"HELP! TONI, IT'S ERIK- Mats didn't let me finish. He punched me again and again. I saw on the corner of my eyes the boys putting up the stair to get down. Mats grabbed me once again and looked me in the eye.

"This isn't over." He said between teeth and grabbed the ring from my hand and ran away to the dark. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes to concentrate in my body which was aching. Soon I heard the boys' voices close to me and I knew I was safe.

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